How to explain things to parents.

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Bill snapped his fingers, and I fell back on my floor.

"So good to be home." My eyes shot wide, and I turned around.



"Pacifica? "


"Mabel!" Dipper and I started laughing at Mabel's silliness, then stopped when I heard my dad come up the stairs.

"What's going on in here?" He asked, looking around.

"I fell off my bed." I lied.

"I heard voices."

"The tv was on." I really hoped he bought it.

He stepped in. He went to the bathroom, and found no one. He looked in the closet, and found no one. Then, he looked under the bed.

"Well okay then." He shut the door, and I waited until he walked away, before uncovering my pile of pillows off the Pines Twins.

"Ugh, they're so... fluffy. How can you sleep without choking?" Dipper asked.

I laughed, taking a small feather off his head.

"Wow, your room's the size of the gift shop! What do you do in here?" Mabel asked.

"I spend a lot of time in here," I replied sheepishly, rubbing my arm.

"How can we get home?" Dipper asked.

"Pacifica, do you have a phone in here?" Mabel asked. I handed her my cell.

"Go crazy."

She dialed a number. "HeyGruncleStanI'mhangingoutwithCandyandGrendawekidnappedDipperseeyoutommorowbye!!"

"Do you even breath?" I asked in pure disbelief. "Even if I could hand out with my friends, I'd never be able to talk like that." I think that was a compliment.

"Yeah, it's her thing, being annoying." Dipper said, as Mabel ran circles on my rug.

"Wop Wop Wop Wop!"

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