Pride Parade

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>I'm really trying to get back into the swing of things, so this may suck balls<

Alec was watching the morning news when he found out. The news set an ear-to-ear grin on his face. Alec jumped up, and ran to the bedroom he shared with Magnus to tell his boyfriend. Alec flung the door open, and leaped on to their bed.

"Wh-what?! Alec, Alec darling what is it?" Magnus groaned, rolling out of his boyfriend's grasp and to the other side of the bed.


"Fine, only if, you stop SCREAMING!" Magnus shouted, rolling around to face Alec once more. He opened his eyes, annoyance written clearly on his face because he was woken up so early.

Alec laughed loudly, throwing his head back as he shook with joyous laughter for a minute. With a grin still plastered on his face, he faced his boyfriend once more. "Babe. Gay marriage. Is now LEGAL. IN ALL FIFTY STATES!" He continued to laugh as Magnus' expression quickly changed, from shocked, to ecstatic, in a matter of seconds.

"HOLY SHIT THAT'S FANTASTIC!" Magnus shrieked, lunging to give Alec a bone crushing hug.

"Yeah! There's parades all over the country! There's one going on downtown, too. I was thinking, maybe you wanna go?" Alec said, looking at his warlock expectantly.

"Of COURSE! This is a day to celebrate, darling! We must go! Now up! Get ready, I wanna be there within the hour!" With a shove, Magnus pushed Alec off of the bed, and on to the floor. He then leaped up and skipped to the closet, looking for an outfit for an occasion such as this.

"Magnussss, now my ass hurtssss!" Alec whined, standing up while rubbing his sore butt.

"You'll be fine," Magnus castes a quick glance at his boyfriend. "It'll hurt worse tomorrow morning."

"Ugh, pervert." Still rubbing his ass, Alec walked from their room to the bathroom connected, slamming to door so he could have a little privacy as he stripped and showered.

"I am not a pervert." Magnus muttered as he walked further into the closet. He skimmed the many shoe boxes on the top shelf, until he found one in the corner. He pulled the box down, and opened it. Ugh, loafers. He bypassed the old man shoes for another, smaller box within the shoe box. Magnus pulled to box out, and double checked to make sure that the contents of the box were still safe and sound. He returned the shoe box to its original position, while he slipped the smaller box into the pocket of his blazer that he had changed into. He then walked to the guest bathroom where he stored the majority of his hair supplies and makeup.

"You ready Mags?" Alec called, walking to the guest bathroom where he found his boyfriend applying the finishing touches to his makeup.

"Yeah, how about you, are yo- babe you look amazing." Magnus let out a soft gasp as he gave his boyfriend a once over. Black skinny jeans, a light blue shirt that "brought out his eyes", and a pride flag draped around his shoulders. Alec was still only wearing socks on his feet, Magnus assumed he would put on his black Converse to complete the outfit.

Alec walked into the bathroom and gave Magnus a kiss on the cheek.

"You look great too Mags." And Magnus did in fact, look great. Black booty shorts just barley covered his ass, while a tight, white v-neck t-shirt and a pastel yellow blazer covered his chest. A few bracelets on his wrists, earrings too, were his accessories. Magnus had grey heeled boots that rose to just above the ankle.

"Thanks babe," Magnus gave Alec a quick peck on the nose. "Now go get your shoes on so we can head out."

-=+=- To The Parade! -=+=-

People of all genders, races, and sexualities flooded the downtown streets of New York City, celebrating a monumental day in America's history. Pride flags waved freely in the breeze, hung on the shoulders of many in the crowd, and were painted on faces and clothing. Magnus and Alec were just one couple of the many holding hands, proud to show their relationship off to everyone. They cheered with everyone else, and they danced in the streets to the music blaring from God knows where. Throughout the day, Magnus looked, waited for just the right time. The right moment to show Alec just how much he loved him.

The perfect moment came as the sun was setting. The sky was painted gold and pink, the street lights were turning on, and the party in the streets was still full of life. Though what Magnus was about to do was nerve wracking, he kept a calm demeanor, his hold on Alec's hand never breaking as he pulled his boyfriend to an area where the crowd was relatively thin. He stopped there, and grabbed Alec's other hand, so they were facing each other. Magnus took a deep breath, and then a leap of faith.

"Alexander. Words can't even begin to describe how much I love you. Your face, you smile, your personality, all of it, every single thing about you I adore. And I love you so much I want to spend real rest of my life with you," Magnus then released one of Alec's hands and grabbed the box in his pocket, opening it as he got down on one knee. "So will you, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, marry me?"

Alec was incapable of speech, only managing to nod feverishly before he said,
"Yes, Magnus, yes!"

Magnus grinned from ear-to-ear as he placed the ring, a simple gold band with one blue diamond embedded into the ring, onto Alec's ring finer, and kissing him passionately. Cheers could be heard as the now engaged couple kissed, Alec wrapping his arms around Magnus' neck, and Manus wrapping his arms around Alec's waist. The cheering and clapping continued as they pulled apart to look each other in the eyes.

"I love you," Alec muttered.

"And I love you."

-=+=- -=+=- -=+=-

So how was it? Hopefully not too bad! Now I do have to give credit to @bookgirl37 , who gave me this idea! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!
I love you all, and I hope you


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