Twist and Shout

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>This fanfiction has ruined me a little. Not gonna lie.<

Alec thought it was a good idea. He had been watching the show Supernatural, and he shipped Destiel, two of the main characters, hardcore. So he started reading fanfictions where they were a couple. Alec also read lots of one-shot collections, and there was always one or two one-shots in each collection that would reference the fanfiction called "Twist and Shout". And people would comment about how those references "made them cry", or how "I thought I could handle reading 'Twist and Shout' but I couldn't". So Alec took it upon himself to read the story that caused so many people to cry, thinking that he wouldn't shed a single tear. He was emotionally stable. He could handle reading a love story about two fictional men falling in love.

Oh how wrong Alec was.

-=+=- 3 AM -=+=-

Magnus closed the door softly as he entered his apartment, assuming his boyfriend was asleep in bed. But when he walked into the living room, he was surprised to see Alec sitting on the couch, staring at the wall, tears streaming down his face. Alec's face was blank for a moment, before he suddenly squeezed his eyes shut, scrunched his nose, and sobbed quietly. He fell back on to the couch from his previous sitting position, sobbing louder and louder.

Concerned, Magnus crossed the room and kneeled by Alec, who was now curled in a fetus position.

"Alec, Alec darling what's wrong?" Concern laced Magnus' voice as he asked.

"Th-the book, it-it's so sa-so sad!" Alec sobbed, rolling onto the plush carpet.

"And what book would that be darling?" Magnus asked soothingly, attempting to rub Alec's back in a calming manner.

"Twist and motherfucking SHOUT!" Alec rolled and faced Magnus, eyes rimmed with red, his nose running.

"Darling it's okay. It's a fictional story, none of its real. So let's get some sleep, and you'll be alright in the morning. Okay?"

Alec sniffled a couple times, before slowly sitting up, rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater.
"Carry me." Alec commanded, his voice thick with tears and oncoming sleep.

Magnus smiled softly, then picked Alec up, and Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus' neck, and his legs wound around his boyfriend's waist.

"I'm never gonna listen to Elvis again." Alec murmured, his eyes half open in his semiconscious state.

"And why is that?" Magnus chuckled a little at the sudden deceleration.

"Because it's sad."

"Okay then."
Magnus carried Alec to their bedroom and laid him gently into the bed, tucking the duvet around the Shadowhunter before getting ready for bed himself.
He crawled under the covers and turned off the little lamp on the nightstand. Just as he began drifting off, he heard Alec speak.

"Promise me you'll never leave me. Please."

Magnus reached out blindly for Alec, pulling him closer once he did find him. "I promise I'll never leave you darling."

Alec sighed against Magnus' collarbone, his breath warm an soft. "Good. And promise me now that you'll never say goodbye. Never."

"I'll never say goodbye to you. I never ever will."

"Okay. Goodnight Magnus, I love you."

"And I love you."

-=+=- -=+=- -=+=-

I love you all so much. Like, you have no idea. Every single one of you, whether you vote, comment, both, or you just read these one-shots. I love you. Moving on...

So if you don't know the ship Destiel, you probably aren't watching Supernatural. I put some fan art of the two of them (which I didn't draw) in the media. On the left is Cas, and on the right is Dean.
And I'm gonna be blunt here, Twist and Shout messed me up a little. I never cry when reading fanfiction, but this one had me in tears for hours. It was really sad, but also happy at the same time, in some weird way. Kudos to the writer, because they wrote the best thing that I shouldn't of read.

Other than that, I hope you all


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