Moonlight Sonata

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Alec couldn't take it anymore. Nobody in the Council was listening to him, and he was fed up with it. In one fluent motion, he was out of his chair and moving towards the doors. Several voices protested Alec's act of defiance, and in response, he flipped them off. Every. Single. One of them. And it felt so good. Right before he stepped out of the room, he voiced what his fingers were showing, and slammed the door. The council meeting was being held at the Institute, and he knew just where to go. He went to his room first and grabbed his phone while changing out of the stupid robe that he had to wear to the meeting into something more casual for what he was doing. Clad in black skinny jeans, a black hoodie and his army green vans, he made his way from his room to a more secluded area of the Institute, the garden. While walking through the halls he passed his father, who looked very pissed off.

"Alexander! What was that? Do you know how embarrassed I am? To see my you making a gesture like that to your superiors is uncalled for and-"

"Dad, I don't care. I'm gonna walk away now, and you're going to go back to that stupid meeting. 'Kay? 'Kay." And with that the defiant Shadowhunter made his way around his cheating slime ball of a father. He walked a bit more until he found the large double doors that led to one of the quieter areas of New York City. He walked to the furthest end of the garden, where there was some tall ornamental grass bunched up behind a bench. Bypassing the bench, I placed myself between the two bushes. The tall grass sat above his head and the dirt beneath his butt. I heard the several dings from my iPhone signaling a text message, but I ignored them. When it got to the point that Jace called me did I finally respond.

"Alec! Where are you?"

"Hellloooooooooo?" I whispered really softly.

"What the? Alec? Where you at?"

"Goodbyeeeeeeeee" And with that, I hung up. I didn't want them to come and lie about how I was useful to society. They would console me with sweet nothings, and then I would feel good about myself until their statements were proven wrong. So I just looked up thought the moon through the tall grass. After about 5 minutes when I deemed it boring, I pulled out my phone and continued reading whatever Wattpad story was open at the time. Apparently it was a smutty Ereri fanfic. I was enjoying my reading time when it was interrupted by a rustling in front of me. I looked up to see Magnus. How did he find me?! Wait, warlocks can track people, forgot about that.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all."

Magnus sat on the bench that was in front of the ornamental grass, facing me. He stuck out his hand and I took it. He pulled me up and maneuvered me so that when I landed I was in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist so I couldn't escape.

"So why did you flip off your dad and superiors?"

"I was angry."

"And that's a very valid reason." Magnus noted, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"But Magnusssss it issssssss now shush."

"Why am I shushing?"

"Because I wanna look at the stars."

Magnus chuckled at that, and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on top of his, and watched the stars.

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I started writing this last Saturday. I am the queen of procrastination. And the only reason I finished it is because I'm at the dentist and I have nothing better to do. Well, I hope you enjoyed, don't forget to comment and vote!!!


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