The Internet Life pt.3

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Magnus' POV

To be honest, I hate hospitals.They way everything is so bland and clean and the smell. But I still visited Alec. He was okay after the whole playground fiasco, thank god. But now he wasn't allowed out of the hospital until the cancer was gone. Which I thought totally sucked, but Alec seemed okay with it. Yesterday he went into surgery to slice the tumor out of him. To be honest, I'm scared. That something bad might happen and he just dies there. The Lightwoods hadn't heard anything yet, which left my imagination roam to the worst of possibilities. But finally that ommpa loompa of a doctor called and said that all was well. A few months later Alec was out of the hospital cancer-free. He moved into my apartment and appeared in most of my vlogs. He got a part time job at the nearby Starbucks 'I had asked if he could so that I could get a best boyfriend ever discount.' We traveled all around the world, and we were so happy. But he relapsed, and was stuck in the hospital once more. A few months later he died in his sleep. I was heartbroken, and so were so many other people, because through the videos he was in, he touched so many hearts, and I would miss that. But there were always those videos that I could look back on, and I would never forget Alexander Lightwood.

>The End

I was feeling nice in the beginning, and then I wasn't. I'll try to update some other time today, maybe write something happy. Who knows? Well I hope you enjoyed, votes and comments are appreciated!! (=゚ω゚)ノ


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