What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas -Malec

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Magnus woke up to the sound of his phone ringing, and a raging headache. He noticed that Alec was not present, so he couldn't answer the phone for him. He pulled himself into a sitting position, grabbed his bejeweled iPhone and hit the answer button.


"Oh thank god you picked up! I need you to bail me and Jace out of jail."

"Alexander?! How did you.... I'll be right there." Magnus hopped up, and realised he was in a hotel. Oh yeah. They were all on a trip to Vegas! But where was the jail? While pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and a blue T-shirt, he googled the location of the place where he would find his boyfriend and his best friend while choosing the right accessories.

~°~ At the Vegas jail place ~°~

"Here you go officer," Magnus said, handing the man the correct amount of money to bail the two Shadowhunters out. Apparently they were arrested for vandalising the giant clown that held up the sign for Circus Circus, the casino and amusement building not far from where the hotel was. Moments later, Alec and Jace walked into the room, looking like they had barely slept. Messy hair, disheveled clothes, they were a wreck. A little PO'd that he had woken up early and with a major hangover, Magnus grabbed Alec and Jace's wrists and dragged them outside as if they were five year olds that had just broke his favorite plates. He hailed a cab and shoved them in. Once the taxi driver knew where to go, he turned to them.

"What. Happened. Last. Night?"

"Well..." Jace began.

"Remember when we both bailed on the Lana Del Rey show? And you stayed, saying something about spirit animals?"

"Well we went walking, and got a few drinks,"

"And decided we would do a little gambling,"

"So we went to Circus Circus, and we won lots of cash,"

"And we spent it on drinks. So when we decided to walk back,"

"Well, I thought the big clown was a demon duck,"

"So then he tried to kill the 'demon duck',"

"But some chicks saw us and called the cops! How rude of them!"

"Well, you were hitting a giant metal clown with your seraph blades screaming 'DIE EVIL SCUM!'"

"It's not my fault! I was head over heels drunk!'

"Well it's your fault for getting that drunk!"


"Well then." Magnus cut in. "I think the best thing to do now is for you two to sleep. And then do lots of work, because you both owe me $500 each."

"Ugghhhhhh fineee."

-=+=- -=+=- -=+=-

Well that was fun to write!! On the side, or at the beginning of the chapter (depending on whether you're reading this on a computer or on a mobile device) is a picture of the Circus Circus hotel/casino sign that's in Las Vegas! Well, I hope you enjoyed!!


Oh, and just an FYI, I'm going to be getting rid of all of the Nalu stuff in this book. That means deleting the chapters that are Nalu one-shots, and changing the title of the book.

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