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>This is an AU where Magnus is a big name fashion designer and Alec is his  boyfriend/money manager<

"Mr. Bane, it sure did take you a century and a half to get here," Sasha, his assistant, said sarcastically.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, dear girl. A designer must look as good as the girls he sends out to the runway."

Magnus had been a designer for twelve years and not once had he showed up looking less than fabulous. It just wasn't good etiquette.

"Well, Carrie is waiting for you in wardrobe. She can't figure out which way the dress goes on, despite the fact that I have repeatedly told her that the boob cups go in the front. She insists that you come help her."

"Fine, fine," Magnus grumbled with a wave of his hand to dismiss Sasha. I swear Carrie is the reason people think all models are dumb.

He weaved his way through a crowd of tall girls and flurries of clothing as he made his way to wardrobe. There was only an hour left before the show and it was absolutely hectic.

Magnus put on a fake smile and said in his highest, most aggravating voice, "Carrie, darling! So wonderful to see you!"

The brunette turned from the clothes rack she was looking at. "MAGNUS!! OMG HI!!!! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH SINCE THE LAST SHOW!!"

Magnus could already feel a headache coming on.

She kissed him on the cheek which he reluctantly returned. He knew Carrie had a crush on him. He'd known for a few months now. But if he rejected her, she could storm out and she was absolutely crucial to the show. The shining star, you could say.

"I hear you're having a clothing problem."

"Oh, yes I am. I can't figure out which way the dress is supposed to go. You really shouldn't make them so extravagant, Magnus. It is just confusing."

Eyerolling had never seemed so appealing.

"I will take that into consideration, darling. The padding goes in the front, just like all of my dresses. Go get dressed now. The show is almost upon us."

Carrie shot him a stupid grin and went off to change.

Magnus took a deep breath. That was one crisis averted. But there were a hundred more. Already, there were six different people calling his name.

This was going to be a long night.

A few hours later, Magnus had finally gotten all of the models down the runway without incident and chatted it up with the high society folks. His duties here were done.

"Goodnight, Sasha," he called as he walked it. "Don't miss me too much."

"In your dreams, sparkles," she replied.

Magnus chuckled and left the building. He had the valet retieve his car, leaving him standing in the chilly, New York air. He pulled his coat tight around him and his his nose under his scarf.

The valet pulled up in Magnus's Mecedes Benz. Magnus handed the boy a tip and got into the car.

He drove in complete silence, foregoing the radio. After all of the hustle and bustle of today, he just needed some peace.

Magnus pulled into the parking lot of his Upper East Side appartment building. Today had been exhausting and Magnus was in a daze as he got on the elevator. He felt as if he could just sink to the floor and fall asleep for hours.

"Hold the door!" he heard an old, frail voice shout and the rushed clack of footsteps of a person in heels.

Magnus put his hand in front of the door and his downstairs neighbor, Mrs. Johnson.

"Thank you, dear," she said, slightly out of breath. "I've been on my feet all day and I could hardly wait another minute to get home."

Magnus smiled at the small woman as she pushed the button for her floor. She lived right below him and would bring cookies up every now and then.

"Of course. I know exactly how you feel."

After a thirty seconds, there was a ding and the door opened.

"I hope you have a night as lovely as you are, Mrs. Johnson," Magnus said smoothly.

She blushed. "Oh, stop it, you."

Mrs. Johnson hobbled out and the door closed behind her.

Magnus reached his own floor a few moments later. He fumbled with his keys as he walked down the hallway. When he reached his door, he put the key in and opened the door to sweet, sweet relaxation.

Alec was sitting at his desk and he looked up when Magnus entered the room.

"Well, I just saved you quite a bit of money," Alec said.

Alec had been Magnus's money man ever since they had started dating. Apparently, Magnus "wasn't being smart with his money" and Alec had insisted that Magnus should let him take care of his funds.

Alec continued talking. "I got your distributor to give you a ten percent discount on all of your fabric and free shipping on bulk orders of buttons."

Magnus walked over, wrapping his arms around Alec from behind and nuzzling his face into Alec's neck.

"Mhmm, I love it when you talk finance to me, Alexander."

Alec turned his head to look at Magnus. He gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"How was your show?" Alec asked, getting up from his chair and leading Magnus over to their sofa.

"Loud, busy, and filled with people who aren't nearly as beautiful as you."

Alec looked pleased, but he scoffed, "Sure. I'm more beautiful than a bunch of super models."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Alec."

The two sat there in silence for a while, enjoying the calm.

Magnus reached out for his sketchbook, but Alec swatted his hand away.

"No way, Magnus. You're off duty. You can't be a designer again until morning. Right now, you're just my boyfriend."

"Ah, my favorite title."

"And as your boyfriend, I have to make sure you get enough rest. So, go get in bed."

Magnus smiled. "You really do love me, huh?"

"With all of my heart."

"And I love you."

-=+=-    -=+=-   -=+=-

So this was written by the fabulous Aberial_63 !! She slays the scene all day long, and she's my Magnus baby. If you've read and enjoyed the Selection series by Kiera Cass, she's written some fanfics about that so go and check them out!!

I love you all, and I hope you


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