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"It's too early Max."

"Way to early."

"But papa! Daddy! I have schooooolllll!!"

"Well then we better get up!"

"I'll make the pancakes."

"Come on Max, it's time to put on the new outfit I got you!"

This was a normal day for the Lightwood family.Max started off the day the way any five year old would, Alec made breakfast, and Magnus made sure that Max looked fabulous. After breakfast Alec would put on some jeans and Magnus would apply his eyeliner, and they all walked hand in hand to Max's elementary school. They would say their goodbyes and the two men would make their way back home and cuddle.

>The End<

So that was a bit short, but it was happy! Yay happiness! As always, comments and votes are loved and appreciated! Hope you enjoyed! ^_−


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