B I T T E R - S W E E T T R A D G E D Y

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<Modern day AU where Alec is a girl>

"The next song is new, it's Bittersweet Tragedy by Melanie Martinez." Magnus hit a few buttons and the song began to play. He turned his mic off so no one could hear him during the song. He began to surf through the radio station's Twitter feed, scanning for songs that people would keep requesting so that he would play them.

The song came to a close, and Magnus turned his mic back on.

"If you liked that one tweet us to let us know! This next song was requested by so many people, it's 'Not the Only One' by Sam Smith." Magnus went back to feverishly searching Twitter, to see a post by some gossip magazine to learn something new.

'Melanie Martinez is not the singer's real name!! Find out at gossipandcrap.com !! #Shocking'

Magnus quickly set another song to automatically play after the one that was playing now, and opened the link, where he found out that the singer's real name was Alexandria Lightwood. The name seemed familiar, and it took him a moment to realize that Alexandria was a girl that had gone to high school with him. They had met wile doing a project, and they had swapped numbers. Her's was saved under 'Alec.'

-=+=- Alec's POV -=+=-

My phone buzzed. I picked it up to see that I had gotten a text from some guy from high school, Magnus. It said that if I were ever to be in New York we should hang out. Odd, yet intriguing. Before I could reply, he sent another text saying that he knew I was Melanie. Crap. Gossip spreads fast. Before Magnus could text again, I quickly replied 'Well, the public knows my tour dates before I do, so lemme know if I'm ever heading over there.' This was mostly true, since I liked to be surprised as to where I would be next.

- 2 Months Later -

My phone buzzed once more. I picked it up, not surprised when it was a text from Magnus. We had been talking a lot lately, and we had gotten really close. The text said one simple thing. 'You'll be in NY, December 23rd-27th!' I stared in shock, then started squealing. I called my manager, and got every single detail about my time there, then continued my conversation with Magnus. 'I have concerts on the 23rd and the 27th, and a meet up the 26th. I'm free the other two days!' I was so excited for the few months to come!

- December 24th -
-=+=- Magnus' POV -=+=-

I walked down the streets, heading toward Central Park, where I would finally come to Alec face-to-face with her for the first time in years. Through the months that we had called and texted, I had started to think of her as a possible girl that could be my more-than-friend. I just hoped she thought the same. I made my way down the main path, then took a sharp turn into a more secretive path. I had shown this path to Alec when we had face timed awhile back, and I was told that she would be somewhere along the trail, waiting for me. I looked up from staring at the leaves scattering the ground to see a silhouette, average height, rather thin. The mystery person was wearing a maroon sweater, and they had the hood up, so their face was shrouded in darkness. When they looked up, I got a good view of them, and I realized that it was Alec! I grinned, and picked up my pace.

"Magnus?" She called, "Is that you?!"


Alec started running towards Magnus, and when they had met up, Magnus picked Alec up and spun her around, while she giggled gleefully, her arms wound tight around his neck.

"It's so good to finally see you again, after all this time," Alec whispered, once her feet landed on the ground, her checks tinged a light pink. Magnus merely chuckled, and rested his forehead against hers, a blush creeping on his cheeks the same shade as Alec's.

"Yes, it's very nice. You must be freezing, lets go get some coffee or something."

"That would be very nice! But first I- um I ummmm I just wanna.." Alec stammered, her blush deepening as she stepped away from Magnus, looking at the ground.

"What?" Magnus asked, slightly nervous, slightly concerned.

Alec look up at Magnus quickly, and pulled him into a kiss. Magnus reacted quickly, and kissed back. Before the kiss could get too deep, Alec pulled away a bit, a silly little grin on her porcelain face.

"I was scared that you might not like me in that way. Well, unless you don't like, you know, like-like me and I look like an idiot right now, and if that's the case, I am so sorry!" Alec rambled on and on, until Magnus pulled the girl into another kiss, this one short and sweet.

"I do like-like you silly, if I didn't I wouldn't of kissed back. Now, let's go get that coffee."

On the way to the coffee shop, the two passed a group of men with cameras. When the men noticed Alec, and who she was, the went bananas, snapping photos and asking questions. Alec cowered away from them, and Magnus took her hand, and flashed her a reassuring grin. They continued to walk down the street, and then pulled her into a cozy looking café. They ordered their drinks, then settled into a booth far away from the entrance.

"I'm sorry about that, I guess they figured out that I would be hanging around here." Alec gave Magnus a sheepish grin, and Magnus returned a smile.

"It's okay. If you want, you can hang at my place, they won't think to look there for you."

"Oh I wouldn't want to trouble you! I mean, here you are, buying me coffee on Christmas eve, when you could be at some amazing party!"

"But I'm having more fun with you now than I would at some stupid club. And the way you looked at the paparazzi, I think you need a break from them for once. Stay at my place, really it's no trouble, and I'll have someone to be with on Christmas too!"

"...Okay. And I guess now I can give you my gift on Christmas, not a day late."


Once they had their coffee's, the two made their way to Alec's hotel, where she grabbed a small bag, then walked to Magnus' loft, a very lofty and modern living place, with a large Christmas tree in the living room. Alec set her present under the large tree, gave Magnus a kiss on the cheek, then set off to the spare bedroom to get some sleep.

-=+=- -=+=- -=+=-

Merry Christmas!! I'll make a part two to this, I'm having a lot of fun with the idea of a female Alec who is also a famous singer, and Magnus just being the freewheeling bisexual that he is. I hope you have a lovely holiday season, my Dumplings, and I will see you soon!!


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