Happy Little Pill

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<FYI, I've never really written about this kind of stuff. So it may suck monkey nuts. It may not>
<May I also add a trigger warning- mentions of substance abuse and drug usage.>

>Alec's POV<

Ever since Magnus broke up with me, I've felt empty. But a few weeks after the event, I found my solution.


No, not the crazy illegal stuff, just the simple painkillers. I needed them. My heart ached, everything just hurt. They made the hurt go away. Now, I know this isn't a long term solution, but I'd take anything to make the ache go away now. If i took just the right amount, I could be free of the pain. So I renamed the pills. I called them my happy pills. Because when I took them, I was happy. When I took the pills, I felt as if nothing could hurt me while they coursed through my blood stream. So I go out on the town at night, because that's when I take them. I made it look like suffering from heartbreak was my full-time job while the people around me were conscious, but the second the Institute was silent, the pills were down my throat, and a jacket was on my back. Most days I walked around aimlessly, but some days I would go to clubs, or a bar. Once I joined a group that was bar hopping, and once they felt content with the booze that they got from legal establishments, they bought a few bottles of whiskey and vodka from a guy with a shopping cart. The next morning I woke up in another man's bed with a few new contacts in my phone and 20 missed texts from Izzy and Jace. My happy little pills gave me these memories. They made me feel numb, so that I could be whoever I wanted to be. Of course some mornings I had my regrets, but those didn't cause as much pain as the heartbreak. So the next night I would down the pills. There was the occasional night where I didn't take the pills, but that was when Jace and Izzy has found some time that they could hang out with me. Because when they weren't, they were with their significant other. Some nights the pills wear off earlier than they usually do, so I end up going home to either curl up and try to get a decent night's sleep, or I down some more with a cup of coffee and continue my adventures into the unknown.

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I hope that didn't suck. Because I got this idea from listening to 'Happy Little Pill' by Troye Sivan. And I thought that an update that could possibly be crappy but hopefully not be is better than no update at all! Well I hope you enjoyed, comments and votes are loved and nurtured forever and ever.


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