Tree Topper

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>It's that time of year my dumplings!<

"C'mon Alexander!!"
"I'm coming I'm coming, you know, you could have helped me maybe?"
"Nah. Now put the tree here!" Magnus pointed to a corner of the living room, where the stand for the Christmas tree was already set up, and boxes of ornaments and lights were around it. Alec, with little help from his boyfriend, placed the tree where the warlock had told him to put it, and stood back, admiring his work.
"Now, for the lights!" With a snap of Magnus' fingers, the Christmas lights flew out of the box and around the Christmas tree. The warlock then Wales around and plugged the lights in, and smiled when the multi-colored lights came to life. "Now let's put the ornaments on!"
Two hours later, the two men were sitting on the couch, admiring their masterpiece.
"Hey Mags?"
"Yes sugarlips?"
"First, sugarlips? Second, isn't the tree supposed to have like, a star or an angle on the top of it?"
"Oh crap you're right. I don't have one anymore, the last one broke at last year's Christmas party. So since we need a new one, we should make sure it's related to both our hobbies, or something we like!"
"Freckled Jesus."
"Freckle- oH MY GOD YES!!"
"But where are we gonna get a tree topper of him?"
"Clary's artsy fartsy, and she's seen Attack on Titan! She knows who he is! Clary can make us a Marco tree topper!"
"Go and call her!! C'mon!!"
"Ok ok!!"

-=+=- 2 Weeks Later -=+=-
The doorbell rang. It was around noon, and the two men were still in bed. Alec sat up and paused the episode of Soul Eater they were watching.
"I'll get it," he mumbled while sliding out of the cocoon of warmth and pulling on a green hoodie. Alec made his way to the door and looked through the peep hole. Clary was standing there with a smallish box in her hands. Alec unlocked the door and swung it open.
"Hey Clary, wazzup?"
"Nothin much, I got your tree topper here. Had to repaint it like, three times. It was hard to get some of the colors just right. I also cried a few times cuz some of the pictures on Google that I was using were pretty heartbreaking."
"Yeah, it's some sad stuff."
"Well I'll be going, bye!"
"Bye!" Alec closed the door and locked it, then made his way back to the bedroom. "Mags, Clary made the tree topper!"
"Really?! I wanna see, I wanna see!" Magnus cried, crawling across the bed and sitting in front of Alec.
"Here." Alec passed the box over to his boyfriend, and he opened it excitedly. The tree topper was a young man, about 15-17 years old, with dark brown hair and eyes. He was wearing the classic survey corps uniform, although technically he was never part of them. He had a gold halo on his head, and freckles everywhere. There was a note under it, and Alec picked it up while Magnus ran out to put Freckled Jesus on top of the tree. The note at the bottom of the box read,

Dear Alec/Magnus,
Do you like it? If you don't, suck it up and deal with it. At least be glad that I didn't cut him in half before I gave him to you guys ;D. Also, if you break him, there's a surprise inside! Have fun with your new tree topper!
P.S. Did u know that Marco's birthday is June 16th? That's the date that cuts the year in half! The more you know.

"What's wrong?" Magnus called from the doorway.
And so the two lovebirds cried and moped until the end of the night.

-=+=- -=+=- -=+=-
Happy holidays my dumplings!! It's the most wonderful time of the year!! Also, just an FYI, I'm in my school play, and rehearsals are starting, so I'm going to be super busy until early March. This may mean rare updates, this may mean lots of updates with stories about the play. Idk yet.


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