Mark Pellegrino

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Everyone was gathered in Idris for some big ass Clave meeting. Downworlders were also invited to attend, so Magnus sat next to Alec in the giant meeting hall. They talked about the show they were watching together, Supernatural; as the mostly marble room slowly filled with people.

"So who's your favorite character in the show?" Magnus asked, playing with his boyfriend's fingers absentmindedly.

"Uhm... Castiel. First off, he's hot. He looks just like me! I've got a sexy ass doppelgänger. And he doesn't know much about how human interaction works, and I think that's adorable. Cas is also sassy as fuck. And Misha Collins, the man who plays Cas, is like, one of the coolest people in the whole entire universe. Who's your favorite, babe?"

"I'd have to say Lucifer. He is also extremely attractive, and he is the sass king. And the way he does the whole 'in a way I'm a victim here' thing makes him a deeper, more complex Satan then the usual horned devil men that wreak hell on the living."

Alec gave chucked before replying "Lucifer is pretty awesome."

"He really is."

They continued to joke and praise the Supernatural character until someone overheard their conversation.

"Excuse me!" The woman's shrill voice cut into the conversation. "If Lucifer is just so great, then why are you here? Spying on us, aren't you? To get information to tell the devil himself!"

Alec stared at the woman in shock, while Magnus began to laugh hysterically.

"Mark Pellegrino!" Alec sputtered. "We were talking about Mark Pellegrino!"

"Not the real Satan! OhMyGod, you thought- you thought we were praising Satan?!" Magnus laughed, rolling around in his seat.

Alec began chuckling as well, his shock quickly wearing off to be replaced with amusement. "If we were satanic worshipers, I don't think we'd be here right now."

"And I don't think we'd be dressed so normally."

"Yeah! Magnus would probably be wearing like, all black instead of his neon pants," Alec continued laughing, as Magnus snapped his fingers in a Z formation, the bangles on his wrist jingling happily.

"And Alexander here would probably have a pentagram drawn on his forehead!" Magnus cackled.

The woman stared at the two men in shock and slight disgust. "Well," she began, "who in the hell is Mark Pellegrino?"

Magnus and Alec's laughter ceased immediately. They both stared at the woman in utter shock.

"Alec darling hold me back because I'm about to go and cut a bitch."

"I think she deserves it. Do it. Cut her up babe."

The woman narrowed her ice blue eyes as she glared at the couple. Giving up though, she huffed and walked away to another section of the large room.

"Who put the stick up her ass?" Magnus asked, facing his boyfriend once more.

"I don't know, babe. But she deserves it."

And with that, the two continued to discuss random things until the meeting began.

When the couple returned from Idris, Alec fed the cat while Magnus changed into sweatpants, then he made coffee as Alec put on some comfortable clothing as well. When they were both ready, they sat down in the living room, curled up together in the biggest, softest comforter they had, and they binge watched Supernatural until the sun rose the next morning.

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Ok so pretty much the whole reason I wrote this was because I was skimming through the amount of reads I have on older one-shots, and I noticed one of them had 666 reads. So I then wrote a one-shot all about a fictional Satan. You're welcome. I also made this entire chapter 666 words (which took a lot of work so if you could give me a cheeky vote that would be amazing thanks I love you)

I love you all to the moon and back and I hope you all


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