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>I didn't know what to title this one, but all I can say is it's a Hamilton AU.<

>I'm gonna be honest here, I took some liberties when writing this. If I couldn't think of a fitting character to replace the original, I just kept the original character.<

~Winter, 1780~
Magnus scanned the crowd. They consisted of either rich people or soldiers, all taking part in the revolution. He thought it was amazing how so many could group behind one idea, one movement. Magnus only thought that for a moment longer before he was interrupted by a loud voice calling his name.

"Hey! There you are!" It was the voice of a fellow soldier and friend Ragnor Fell, who was accompanied by Tessa Gray and Catarina Loss, who were nurses that tended to those wounded in battle. "We were looking everywhere for you. Now, I just wanted to inform you that the Lightwood siblings are coming tonight, and I think the older two are browsing for a suitable husband." Ragnor wiggled his eyebrows while looking at Magnus, a smile on his face. "If you marry one of them, you're rich son!"

"Is it a matter of if, Fell, or which one?" Magnus shot back. The Lightwoods were rich, charming, and gorgeous, yet each sibling was very protective of the other. If you wanted one of them to be yours, you had to win over their siblings first.

Magnus turned from Ragnor as the doors to the ballroom opened suddenly and gracefully, and in entered Isabelle, Alexander, and Maxwell Lightwood. Isabelle led the trio, coral colored dress hugging her waist only to fall into a large skirt that looked to be the price of Magnus' college tuition. Alexander stood to her right, a bit behind his younger sister, wearing a suit that was not nearly as dazzling as the shy smile he gave those looking his way. Maxwell stood parallel to his older brother, to the left of Isabelle. Though he was far younger than his siblings, he demanded that he walk in with the two of them instead of with their parents.

When the doors closed, Isabelle broke off from the group, walking into the crowd with what seemed to be a feral look in her eye. Alexander put his hand on his brother's shoulder and led him off to the side of the room, towards the perimeter of the crowd.

Alexander watched as Isabelle walked around the room, shaking hands with family friends and with boys that seemed to have heart eyes for her. Her graceful quality was one that Alexander believed he lacked, but never truly desired until he saw what seemed to be the most beautiful man in the world. Long black hair swept into a neat ponytail, his suit screamed "high ranking military man!" Yet, with closer inspection, Alexander noticed more about the man. Though it seemed he was in a good position within the revolutionary military, the man had worked to get there, unlike many others in positions similar to his. There were ink stains on the side of his hand, and slight bags were under his eyes, showing how hard he worked. Regardless, the man was smiling, laughing, working the room almost as flawlessly as Alexander's sister was.

Isabelle made sure that she had greeted everyone she knew, and those she wanted to know, before joining her bothers by the edge of the room.

"This one's mine," Alexander said immediately, grabbing Isabelle's arm and pointing to the man he had been looking at all night. Isabelle looked over to where he was pointing, and saw the man that many had been talking about. Magnus Bane, the General's right hand man. Isabelle looked back at her brother, gave a small smile, and walked over to Magnus.

As she got closer she noticed how breathtaking Magnus truly was. Intelligence radiated off of his thin frame, and his eyes told stories of bravery and loss as they met hers.

"Hello there," he said as Isabelle approached. His voice was deep and smooth, and he didn't wait for Isabelle to reply as he looked her up and down. "Now, you strike me, as a woman who has never been satisfied."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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