The Internet Life pt.2

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Alec's POV

You know how much treatment sucks? it sucks a lot. Being probed with chemicals while slowly losing your hair and your friends, when there was a 40% chance that it would all work out in the end. But Magnus was there. We'd been texting for awhile now, even after he had heard my sob story. Usually the people I tell either disconnect all contact related to me, or they act as if I'm the freaking king of England or something. But Magnus knew that I was merely the king of lung cancer, and he acted as if there wasn't a 60% chance that I would be six feet underground within the next 9 months. He even visited me a few times. He was coming back today because I had treatment, and I usually ask for company when I'm all drugged up from whatever painkillers they had given me beforehand. And since all of the family and friends that still associated with me were busy, and none of the nurses could hold a conversation with a 17 and a 1/2 year old for more than 5 minutes, Magnus graciously accepted the invitation to come.

^Magnus' POV^

I made my way to (insert NY hospital here) to visit Alexander. He was all full of chemicals, and Isabelle had told me that he liked to do some interesting things during these periods of time. So when Ale asked me if I could keep him company today, I didn't hesitate to say yes. I walked to the room that I had memorized from my few visits. To be honest, I had started taking a liking to him. I knew he was gay, he had told me so, and he knew that I was bisexual. Putting those thoughts aside, I opened the door and walked in. I walked further into the room when I heard giggles that slowly turned into maniacal laughter. I saw Alec sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, and with some sort of paper claws covering all five of his fingers on one hand. He was wiggling them around while he cackled, only to falter when he looked up and saw me. He grinned a big five-year-old grin, and beckoned me over. I sat on the side of the bed, only to swing my legs over and sit cross legged across from Alec. He giggled once more, before he poked me with one of his clawed fingers and said

"Heyyyyy wazzup?"

"Nothin' much, just being a bit jelly that I don't have those cool paper claws that you got."

"Well I could make you some, so you won't be as jelly!!"

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course. Because you're special!" Alec beamed, then began to giggle once more. "Just get me some paper from the top drawer over there." He pointed to a small area that had a set of drawers built into the wall.

"Why can't you get the paper all by yourself? I just got cozy." I complained. But that wasn't 100% true. I remembered seeing Alec's fine booty back when we first met, and it was sorta an excuse to get to see it again.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because silly," He poked My nose with his paper claw pointer finger. "If I stand up I get all wibbly wobbly tipsy topsy and I fall down! And if I fall down the nurses yell at me, and it adds another day that I'm stuck in here."

"Oh ok." I hopped up and strode over to where the paper was held. I grabbed half the stack, which added up to about 20 pieces of paper at least. I made my way back to the bed and resumed my original position. Alec made me five paper claws, then went and made five more for himself. I took that opportunity to take my vlogging camera out of my messenger bag, and talked to my people. Alec noticed that since I was vlogging, he would most likely end up in one of my videos, but he just shrugged and kept on working. The rest of the night consisted of origami and cheesy jokes, until I was told to leave by one of the nurses. But before I walked out, I asked Alec something that I had thought up at the last second.

"Hey, do you wanna go to the

park next week? You should be feeling better by then, right?"

"Ohhhh that would be fun! I'm in!!"

"Ok! Bye Alexander."

<Time skip bright to you by pandacorns>

Alec's POV

I made my way to the doors that would lead me to freedom. Dressed as if it were snowing, I made my way out of the hospital to be greeted my a sparkly head of hair.

"Hey there! Ready for some funnn?" I noticed that there was also a camera being shoved all up in my face. I had a feeling that this would happen, so I just pretended that it wasn't there.

"Yeah! But I need to stash at least three of my five layers somewhere else, honestly I'm gonna burn and die if I wear all this all day."

"Well I'm gonna go strip Alec, we'll be right back!"


"Haha you should see you face! c'mon, you can keep your coats at my place, its on the way to the park." He grabbed my hand and pulled me away to his apartment.

When we got there I took a look around, then unzipped my heavy coat, took of my gloves and my hat too, and set them on the couch. once I was done I took out the medicine from the picket of my big coat and placed it in the pocket of my flannel. One of the terms and conditions of leaving the hospital was that I had to carry around some of my medicine, the emergency stuff just in case something bad happened. I turned around and Magnus grabbed my hand again and pulled me along to the park.

<Time skip brought to you by TV>

Surprisingly, the park was practically empty. Magnus pulled us over to the playground and he let go to climb the latter and stand on the platform of fun. I climbed up too and stood next to him. The sun was setting, coloring the world with orange and pink. I looked over at Magnus and noticed that he was staring back at me. Suddenly he spoke up.

"I like you. A lot."

"Wow. Um.....I like you too. Al lot." And with that he leaned in and kissed me. It felt like fireworks were going off, and I knew he felt the same. He pulled back and looked at me.

"do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

At this point I thought I was gonna wake up and it would all be one sick dream, but the look in his eyes told me it wasn't so I replied with a

"Yes. I would love being your boyfriend." I smiled. He pulled back and ran to the other side of the platform, by the slide. I made my way over to where he was. We played for awhile, but we ended up just watching the sun set into the sky. Magnus got up to get some water from the snack stand that was over by the baseball fields, while I watched the sun set. All of a sudden though, I got really light headed. I leaned on the side wall of the playground for support while I waited for the dizziness to pass. When it didn't, I started to get anxious. Then to put the cherry on top, I started to cough. Not the 'oh wow I gotta little tickle in my throat oh there we go all better' it was more like 'world war three is occurring in my throat, please help now'. I would've loved to take my emergency medicine, but the doctor said to never take it dry, so I had to wait for Magnus to get back with the water. But since I had such good luck with my health, and my body sucked at being able to properly function at the right time, I passed out. Yup. And right as it was about to be ok.

<Done For Now>

I got part two up!! Don't worry I will finish it all off, but you'll just have to wait and see what happens to dear Alexander. Oh! And before I forget, I have a snapchat, and it is mybffisapanda so if you wanna snapchat, snapchat me!! ^w^ I hope you enjoyed, don't forget that comments and voted are alway loved!


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