Happy Halloween

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"HI"- Aberial_63

"Trick Or Treat!"
"Oh! What are you?" Alec asked, kneeling down to put some candy into one of the many bags being shoved in his face. Lots of kids were lined up at the door, begging for candy.
"I'm a vampire! Grrrrr!" The little boy wire a cape, and had plastic fangs.
"I'm life!! Here's a lemon! Another boy shrieked, chucking a lemon in Alec's general direction. The Shadowhunter caught the flying citrus with ease, and tossed a kit kat into the boy's bag. Magnus had taken Max, their 3 year old, out to collect candy the same way these kids were. Max had gone out as a pirate, with a cute plastic sword and everything. As soon as those kids left, Alec had about 30 seconds until the next wave of princesses and skeletons came begging for candy. Alec still hadn't fully grasped what this holiday was all about, but at this point he just shook his head and smiled at what Mundanes came up with. Fat men with white beards and a red suit, a bunny that gave you eggs, and now a day in the year where children disregarded the life lesson to never take candy from strangers. Weird.
A few hours later, the porch lights were off and the Lightwood family was sitting on the living room floor sorting out all of Max's candy. He had 24 Reese's and many other candies that didn't matter as much. Max had passed out 20 minutes after the sorting process began, so he didn't see his parents sneaking candy, and kisses.

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Sorry if it was a bit short.... there isn't much I could do with this prompt, but I tried my best! I hope you enjoyed, and please vote and comment!


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