Spirited Away

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<I really love writing the Ghibli movie AU's, so here's another one!>

"That's your new name. Your old one is mine now." The witch grinned at Alec- wait, no, it was Al now. This was all because Jace had gotten him and Izzy lost, the two pigged out on some food and Alec didn't. When exploring the town, he had met a boy his age, who tried to run him out of the town, past the river before it was dark out. But the little stream he had crossed with Isabelle and Jace was an ocean, and he couldn't cross. After nearly disappearing and trying to persuade a 6 armed boiler man for a job, he ended up in the main office of the bath house, with a new name and a job. He made his way to the main level of the bath house, trailing the boy who had tried to run him out. Apparently his name was Bane. He seemed so familiar, and Bane had even known Alec's name before he had told him it.

The two made it to the main level, where several workers crinkled their noses in disgust. Finally Alec got a dorm to stay in, and a man about three or four years older than him showed Alec the way.
"You know, I was staring to get worried there." The man said "Oh, and by the way, my name's Will. What's yours?" Will looked over at Alec expectantly. It was then that he realized that they looked very alike. Same hair and eyes, they could pass off as siblings. But of course, Alec and was a human, and Will was... well Alec didn't know. Not a spirit, but not a human.
"My name is Al." Alec- no, Al, said. They had made it to a large room, empty except for the shelves lining one wall. Will slid open one of the compartments and pulled out baggy red pants, they had drawstrings at the end of the legs so you could pull them up and tie them back, and a large shirt with a similar design. Seeing as it was getting late, Will also pulled out four large blankets and two pillows. He handed two of the blankets and one pillow to Al, and kept the rest to himself.

The next few days were hectic, with a river spirit coming with lots of money, and another guest that was greedy, but could make gold. Al made his way through the dorms, trying to find a place where he couldn't hear people begging the mystery man for money. He looked out at what was practically empty terrain, gravel had covered the land with a railroad cutting trough the center, to what was now an ocean. Oh, what some rain can do, Al thought. He was admiring the scenery, when a dragon came speeding past him. The dragon was being pursued by what seemed to be hundreds of little white birds. Memories came at him like a wave, and he realized the the dragon was Bane, and that Bane needed help.
"Hey!! Come over here!" He screamed at the dragon boy, trying to grasp his attention. He did after a couple tries, and Bane came speeding towards him, along with the bird things. Once Bane had crash landed into one of the dorms, Al pulled the windows shut, with a little difficulty. Some of the birds flew into the room, and that's when Al put it together, that they were little paper people. Dismissing them, Al made his way over to Bane carefully, and saw that he had taken some damage. Scrapes and blood covered his ivory scales and his blue mane. Remembering the gift the river spirit gave him, Al pulled it out of his pocket, examining it again before pulling open Bane's mouth and shoving the food item in there, hoping that it would help in some way. Bane began writhing, trying to spit the food out, but Al clamped the dragons mouth shut. After a moment or two, Bane settled down. Al released his grip on his mouth and sat back. He sat there and stared at the dragon. His cuts were disappearing, the river spirit's gift had worked! Bane started moving once more, and then suddenly shot out towards the window. At the last second, Al grabbed the horns atop Bane's head, and they sped off together. Memories flashed before his eyes, and Al remembered water, so much water. Surrounding him, in his lungs, rushing through his hair, and there being a dragon, pulling him to shore. The dragon had been Bane. But Al had been drowning in the river by his house, and it wasn't called the Bane river. it was...
"Hey Bane?" Al whispered in the dragon's ear. "Remember how you told me that you lost your name? Well, I think I remember it now, because a long time ago, I lost my shoe in the river, and when I went to get it, I almost drowned. But you saved me. And the name of the river was the Magunasu Kawa!" (That's Japanese for Magnus River, thought it sounded cooler than 'Magnus River') Scales flew in Al's face as they flew off of Magnus and into oblivion. Once they were all gone, they were both free falling, holding each others hands.
"I remember now! You were the boy I saved, Alexander!! I had almost forgotten your name since the witch took it!"
If Alec wasn't free falling with the only thing to hold on to Magnus, he would've hit himself on the head. He had forgotten his own name!! How stupid!
"I can't believe I forgot my own name and replaced it with Al!! I hated being called Al as a kid!"
Magnus laughed, a beautiful sound that Alec wanted to hear time and time again. They landed on the train tracks that had cut through the gravel field, now about half a foot under water. Magnus and Alec just stood there, holding hands with stupid grins on their faces. Alec forgot Jace and Isabelle and how he should try to get home, and get them back, but all his attention was the boy who had saved him so many years ago.

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That one was better than the other one, to be honest. I probably won't write a Howl's Moving Castle part 2. I'm on break from school right now, hopefully I'll update more often! And I hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment with any ideas, or critique or a hi!!


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