𝐢. we're going to fucking nationals

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[ 1996 ]

"ALLIE!" Jackie shouted at her teamate to her left, waving her arms in an attempt to get her attention.

"Allie pass the ball!" Violet joined in, running down the pitch closer to the two girls.

However it seemed to be of no use. The ball was fumbled by Allie, who didn't even seem to take notice of the situation she was in until the ball was stolen by a member of the opposing team.

Violet let out an annoyed grunt, running a quick hand over her face in an attempt to brush off any feelings of frustration. She couldn't lose her focus. Not now. Not when they had a chance at nationals.

It wasn't long before Taissa sprinted down the pitch. Her eyes were fixated on the ball and she wasn't letting anyone get in her way. She barged the opposing team members out of her way and gained posession of the ball, weaving in and out of any other players as she made her way up the pitch.

"Tai! Over here!" Shauna yelled, raising her hand to make herself known. "This side!"

Unlike Allie, Taissa actually listened. She passed the ball to Shauna, who in turn did her part in making her way up the pitch, keeping it away from the opposing team.

Violet had been marked pretty much most of the game by two players, however with how quick the ball was being successfully passed, Violet noticed their guard was now down.

So she made her move.

Violet darted forwards, away from the two girls and now free. Shauna locked eyes with her, noticing her positioning. The two sent each other a knowing look and Shauna kicked her the ball.

With a successful receive, Violet switched her gaze from the ball, to her surroundings, to her teamates. The same cycle over again. She continued to make her way towards the goal, a small smile etching on her face at how the goalie's relaxed demeanor changed the closer she got.

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