𝐢𝐱. postcard

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[ 2021 ]

VIOLET TOSSED her keys onto the kitchen counter, sighing when she glanced at the clock on the wall.

01:37 am.

She rubbed her eyes momentarily before walking towards her fridge, the sound of her stomach grumbling reminding her that she still needed to eat something today.

In her defence, it had been a long day. Longer than normal. She usually got home around this time, running the bar took up most of the hours in her day, so getting home this late was something her body had grown used to.

However, what she hadn't grown used to, what wasn't part of her routine... was the feeling that she was being watched.

Ever since her interaction with the reporter, Jessica Roberts, a few days ago, Violet couldn't shake the feeling that there was something, someone, lingering around.

She was right.

It started with some of Violet's employees letting her know that someone had called the bar, double checking they had got the right place, along with asking if Violet was the owner.

She traced the call, obviously. But the number was out of service. It was like it never existed at all.

Then the day after, Violet noticed the plant pots outside her house had been looked through, one of them being knocked over completely. She figured whoever it was must've been looking for a spare key. Which Violet found pretty funny. Because she wasn't stupid enough to do something like that.

And finally there was today. Whenever Violet would step outside the bar to have a cigarette, or run some errands, the same car would always be there. A baby blue Fiat.

Every. Single. Time.

Whether it was Jessica Roberts or not, she didn't know. But either way, no matter who it was, Violet was definitely sure of one thing.

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