𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. secrets unveiled

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warning — the first part of this chapter has descriptions of performing a self-induced abortion, so please feel free to scroll down until the usual divider of '⋆༺♱༻⋆' if you'd wish to skip it

VIOLET RAN THROUGH the woods aimlessly, charging through any bushes or branches that got in her way without a single care.

She lad lost sight of Taissa the moment she had stepped into the deep forest, as the Turner girl was still relentless in her searching.

Violet still had no idea what was going on, but by the sound of distant yells from Taissa, calling out for Shauna, she knew it was far from good.

And it was safe to say Violet was extremely concerned.

So, just as Taissa was doing somewhere further into the forest, Violet called out for the Shipman girl too. She kept herself at a fast pace, hurriedly checking behind multiple trees and bushes to hopefully catch any sight of her.

Violet continued running, being careful to not trip over any roots that stuck up out of the ground. However, as she passed a certain tree, she could've sworn she heard something.

She came to a stop and sucked in her breath instantly, wanting to remain as silent as possible. And not long after, she heard it again.

The sound of a muffled whimper became apparent in her ears and she turned her head in the direction of which it came from, wasting no time in making her way over.

Violet had no clue what to expect, but when her eyes took in the sight below her, she couldn't help but let a small gasp slip. Because what she saw, was definitely not something she had thought of as a possibility.

Shauna was lay on the ground, the blanket set out beneath the girl shielding her skin from the dirt. She had stripped herself of her shorts, the only clothing item on her body being her oversized t-shirt.

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