𝐱𝐯𝐢. stuck at eighteen

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[ 2021 ]

IT HAD ONLY BEEN two days since Violet's discovery of the dreaded symbol within the crime scene photos. Two days. And somehow, within those forty-eight hours, Violet's situation had only gotten worse.

Whoever it was that was playing these sick games, torturing her, torturing all of them, with the trauma of their past. Had decided to take it one step further.

Currently, Violet was sat in her car outside Natalie's motel, staring down at her phone screen. Her jaw was clenched tightly, her fingers harshly picking at the skin around her nails.

She hadn't even noticed the fact that she had been tearing her skin to the point of drawing blood. But even if she had, Violet wouldn't find it in her to care. There was too much she had to think about right now.

She couldn't take her eyes off the text that remained open on her screen, her gaze darting from word to word in an endless loop.

Unknown: Gather 50K cash and await further instructions. Do NOT discuss this with your teammates. I will know.

The more she re-read the text, the more she felt the rage pumping through her body, consuming her whole. And looking at it for this long had definitely not helped the way she was feeling.

There was only one thing that was keeping Violet grounded. One thing that was stopping her from spiralling.

And that was the thought of what she was going to do when she found out who was blackmailing them. Because she'd be damned if she let them get away with it.

They had brought her back into this. This fucked up mess. After spending years trying to move on, trying to free herself of the crushing weight, trying to forget. She was right back in the middle of it all.

𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒. | yellowjacketsWhere stories live. Discover now