𝐢𝐢. scheming 101

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THE PEP RALLY went just about as expected, which Violet wasn't surprised about at all.

A stupid grand entrance. Boring speeches about their win to an audience who most likely didn't give a shit. However, they gave more of a shit about their team than the guys team, which Violet did find amusing, but still, it was pointless nonetheless. The most unbearable part had to be the principle giving a motivational talk about teamwork, praising Jackie for leading them so well.


Violet was pretty sure she tuned out the moment Jackie received any sort of praise.

On the plus side, it was finally over. So now Violet wouldn't have the dread looming over her all day.

Violet walked out of the building into the courtyard, her kit bag slung over her shoulder, ready for practice later.

"It seems like you don't even care!"

The sound of Taissa's voice caught Violet's attention and she looked up, catching Lottie's gaze, who was stood with Natalie and Taissa. Lottie shot her a look, subtly gesturing for her to come over.

Violet joined the three girls, standing next to Lottie while being across from Taissa and Natalie.

"Are you kidding me?" Nat rolled her eyes. She noticed Violet join the group and sent her a quick nod before turning her attention back to Tai. "You're being insensitive."

"This is what we've worked for all season." Taissa stated. "You really wanna take that chance?"

"Yeah." Natalie nodded her head. "Cause I'm not a fucking asshole."

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