𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. you and me

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[ 1996 ]

IT WAS SAFE TO SAY that Violet was in a frustrating amount of discomfort. And all she wanted to do was wallow in her self-pity.

As if the universe hadn't fucked up her life enough, the usual time of the month had struck. And oh boy was it a bitch.

After coming to the conclusion they'd be stuck in the wilderness for longer than expected, Violet began to accept that fact she'd have to be on her period in the middle of nowhere. Although, she was hoping it would just be once.

However now that her period had arrived, and it was certainly not kind this month, any mental preparation she had flew out the window. 

And to top it off, as if their situation couldn't get worse, all of the girls' monthly cycles had all synced up. Which meant it wasn't just Violet experiencing the unforgiving cramps, the heightened hormones. It was all of them.

What a lovely day to be a woman.

Violet was currently perched on a log, sat opposite of Shauna and not too far from Akilah. The three girls were cutting up needless scraps of fabric, using the material to craft makeshift pads for the girls.

"I envy you, Shipman." Violet spoke up in a teasing tone.

Shauna chuckled. "And why's that, Crawford?"

"Because you're free from the monthly horrors of being a woman." Violet sighed dramatically. "Wanna swap uteruses?"

Shauna hummed in faux thought. "I think I'll pass."

"Please?" Violet drew out the word. "It would be poetic."

"Nah." Shauna didn't budge. "It sounds like a hassle if you ask me."

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