𝐱𝐯. new leads

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FOR THE first time since the lake, a truly cheerful atmosphere had been created around the group. After Travis and Natalie had returned with the deer, any agonizing hunger was cured, which was definitely what boosted everyone's spirits.

Despite the fact that night had already approached, everybody was still awake. Wide awake. They were too giddy to sleep.

Music was booming from Violet's Walkman, having turned the volume up to the highest setting. All of the girls, plus Javi, were dancing around the cabin to the song 'This is how we do it' which was currently playing.

Travis, Coach Scott and Misty all watched from their spots around the cabin, bobbing their heads along to the music with a smile.

"One. Two. One, two, three, four!" Mari exclaimed, jumping up and down to the beat.

Joyous laughter filled the air as the girls continued to dance, all starting to form a line as they began to switch their moves to the choreography of the song.

Javi made his way into the centre of the room as he danced along, the young boy's cheeks flushing slightly as the girls moved back to give him the floor.

"Go Javi!" Violet cheered.

Jackie applauded for the boy, joining in with the rest of the group as they also cheered him on. She glanced at Violet, the pair of them sharing an amused look.

Violet chuckled before looking away, picking up where she left off with her dancing. The group started to sing along to the song, a few occasional hums being heard since not everyone knew the words.

Violet turned around, catching Lottie's gaze. She grinned as she looked at her, holding out her hands and beckoning the girl towards her.

Lottie let out a small laugh as she danced her way over through the group, wasting no time in denying Violet's call over.

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