𝐱𝐱. burning

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THE CABIN was silent. Silent enough that you could hear each tiny crackle from the chips of wood that burned in the fireplace. After what had happened in the attic with the seance, nobody knew what to say.

Even if they did, they wouldn't dare to. Because every single comment about the terrifying experience led back to Lottie, to Lottie's behaviour. And nobody wanted to face the wrath of Violet's words as she jumped to her defence.

So, instead, they were all left to simmer with their nerves and concern. Everyone laid in their beds and stared up at the ceiling with unease, their bodies constantly on edge in fear of something else happening.

Violet was sat up, having propped her pillows behind her to ease the discomfort from leaning against the wall. She fiddled with the material of her blanket that covered her lower half, it serving as a distraction while she looked down at the sleeping body of Lottie next to her.

It hadn't taken Lottie long to fall asleep after they left the bedroom, which Violet was actually thankful for. Because the pair of them didn't exchange many words after what happened between them. Well, what almost happened.

And Violet knew she wouldn't be able to handle the silence if Lottie was awake. Especially not now, when they were in a room full of prying eyes.

She let out a heavy breath the moment her eyes landed upon Lottie's face, upon her slightly parted lips. Gazing down at the sleeping Matthews girl certainly wasn't helping her case. It just served as a reminder to her, a prompt for her unanswered thoughts to resurface.

Violet didn't know what Lottie's lack of input on their moment meant. She didn't know what she thought about it. What she now thought about her. If she regretted entertaining it for those brief seconds.

Part of Violet wanted to shake her awake. To drag her away and demand they speak about it. But she knew she wouldn't.

Because what if it had changed them for the worst? What if, when Lottie woke up the next morning, she gave Violet an answer she didn't want to hear?

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