𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. locked and loaded

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VIOLET WIPED her hand across her forehead as she walked back towards the cabin, getting rid of any dirt that lingered. She let out a breath, the events of this morning swirling around in her mind.

Taissa kept her promise of waking Violet up and helping her with the whole dead guy in the attic situation. The pair of them got up at the crack of dawn and got straight to work, wrapping up the body and carrying it out of the cabin as quietly as possible.

A few of the girls were already awake, and it's safe to say they were certainly stunned to silence when Taissa let them know what her and Violet were about to do, what had transpired during the night.

She figured it was best to pre-warn them that they'd be hauling a body through the cabin.

"I feel gross." Violet complained.

"Yeah, well." Taissa began, brushing the dirt of her jeans as she walked. "Burying a corpse will do that to you."

Violet's face scrunched at Taissa's words, it just being another reminder of how they spent their morning.

A few weeks ago, Violet would've considered a bad morning to consist of her alarm not going off, or the outfit she picked for the day looking crap. But now here she was, having spent the last hour digging a hole to dump a corpse in.

It made her feel sick to her stomach, that this, was something she had to do now.

That this was now her life.

And what was even more gut-wrenching to her, was the fact that compared to everything else she had been through since the crash, burying the body wasn't even the worst.

It was a harrowing experience, make no mistake on that, but when she weighed it in with all the other events, it simply couldn't take the crown for most traumatic.

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