𝐱𝐱𝐢. cat & mouse

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[ 2021 ]

VIOLET REACHED OVER and grabbed the bag of money that sat comfortably on her passenger seat, letting out a drained huff as she dragged it with her out of the car.

Her eyes lazily focused on Natalie stood at the other end of the car park, taking note of Shauna and Taissa making their way over too.

With a deep inhale for mental preparation, Violet slung her bag over her shoulder and shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket. She made her way over to the group, ignoring the light buzz fluttering around her head, ignoring the way the ground felt like it was shifting between her feet.

"What part of hurry up did you guys not understand?" Natalie looked between them all.

Taissa sighed. "It takes you being blackmailed for you to finally care about being late?"

"I'm sorry, but we all have families and lives, okay?" Shauna spoke up. "We can't just sneak out a window whenever..." She paused once she noticed the unapproving look Natalie was giving her. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

Natalie turned to Violet. "And what's your excuse?"

"I was busy." Violet mumbled. "Sorry."

Upon hearing no snarky remark from the Crawford woman in response to Natalie's jab, everyone looked towards her instantly. It was unlike Violet to not bite back at a comment like that. And it was even more unlike her to apologise.

To others, it wouldn't seem like a big deal. But not to them. They instantly knew something was wrong.

Even with their dimly lit surroundings, they all still managed to make out the features of Violet's face. There was a fresh twinge of redness that decorated Violet's eyes. Her distant, unfocused, eyes. A light puffiness, that made it clear she had been crying previously.

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