𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. unlikely company

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[ 1996 ]

AFTER HAVING no luck from Natalie and Travis' recent hunting attempts, the group had turned back to their unfulfilling plan of scavenging for berries and setting traps for smaller animals.

They were down to the last scraps of the deer that had previously been caught by the two hunters, and much to everyone's dismay, it was time to start rationing the meat.

So, until Natalie and Travis managed to find something else, it was all hands on deck. Because the rations were already running low, and if they didn't find something soon, there would be no food at all.

Violet groaned in annoyance, looking down at the empty wired trap in her hand. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Hey, don't worry." Jackie assured from behind her. "There's still more to check right?"

"I hate to break it to you, Taylor." Violet dangled the wire from her finger. "But this was the last trap."

"Oh." Jackie visibly deflated at the information. "Well, maybe the others will find berries or something."

"Your optimism is admiring." Violet mocked, getting to her feet and facing Jackie.

"That was sarcasm." Jackie stated.

"It was, yes." Violet nodded.

Jackie pursed her lips, taking a moment before continuing her walk through the forest. "I'm going to pretend it wasn't."

"Why?" Violet smirked, joining her side. "You want a compliment from me that badly?"

"Maybe I do." Jackie shrugged with a smile. "I mean, you never did take your turn of complimenting me at the party."

"Hold on. If I remember correctly," Violet raised a brow "You didn't either."

"And if I remember correctly," Jackie mimicked Violet's expression. "I tried to. But you refused to talk to me, so."

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