𝐱𝐢𝐢. cabin fever

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THE SOUND OF the cabin door slamming against the wall as it burst open regained Violet's attention, she looked towards the building and watched briefly as Taissa and Shauna managed to kick the door open.

It was obvious now that the place wasn't occupied by anyone, which was a bit of a kick to the gut, but at least they had shelter now.

Taissa and Shauna were the first two to walk inside, followed by the rest not long afterwards. Violet and Lottie on the other hand, still remained outside.

Lottie still hadn't moved. Not an inch.

"Is it about the cabin?" Violet asked. "The bad feeling?"

"Yeah." Lottie muttered. "I don't know why I just— I'm sorry I..."

"You don't need to apologise, Lot." Violet assured.

Violet took note of the small step Lottie took forwards as she eyed up the cabin. She took hold of Lottie's hand and smiled up at her, giving her a small nod of encouragement.

"We can go together, okay?" Violet spoke softly. "One step at a time."

Lottie inhaled sharply. "Okay."

The pair approached the cabin, walking up the steps to the porch. Lottie kept a tight grip on Violet's hand the whole way, her nerves growing more and more the closer they got.

As they got to the door, a seething Jackie stormed out, bumping into Violet on the way.

"Jesus christ, Taylor." Violet huffed. "Watch where you're—"

"Not now, Violet." Jackie snapped, biting back tears. "Please just... not now."

Violet's brows stitched together when she noticed Jackie's state, completely confused as to what could've happened in the last few minutes that brought her to this point.

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