𝐱. packing up

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IT WAS SAFE TO SAY, Violet was absolutely exhausted. It had been three days since the crash and every single night seemed to get worse than the previous one when it came to the frustrating topic of sleep.

Violet simply couldn't do it. She didn't have a clock to keep track of her sleeping patterns, but she was pretty sure the longest she'd managed to stay asleep for each night without waking up must've been two hours tops. Three at a push.

Every time she'd close her eyes and slip away into a slumber, all she could see were the events of the last few days replaying before her, echoing through her head.

The crash. The bodies. The screams. The blood that soaked her skin.

And what didn't help, was how fucking uncomfortable she was each night.

They had stripped the plane clean of any padding left on the seats, using it as makeshift mattresses and pillows. Any fire blankets, fabric, or clothes from peoples bags were used as blankets to keep them warm.

It wasn't exactly five star lodging, but it was the best they could get. Yet still, it didn't help end Violet's torment.

So here she was, in the middle of the day, trying to catch up on any sleep she lost.

Violet was lay down with her arms folded across her chest, using Lottie's legs as a pillow, her Yellowjackets bomber jacket lazily tossed over her face to block out the sun.

Lottie had her back resting against someone's suitcase to keep her propped up, playing with Violet's hair while she watched Van and Shauna plan out how they were going to ration the remaining food and water.

"This is all we have?" Mari asked, her lips parting at the lack of resources.

"Yep. We gotta ration." Van answered, passing Shauna a box of snacks. "Okay. Cut those into halves." She handed a bottle of water to Akilah, telling her to evenly distribute some to everyone.

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