𝐯𝐢. the reunion

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IT WAS SAFE TO SAY, Violet had no idea how she had managed to get to where she was. One minute she was trapped with Van, the next the two were pulling each other out and diving onto the ground.

It was a blur. All of it was.

Violet managed to push herself up, though not without stumbling, and took in the sight in front of her. However, it only brought her more torment, because nothing seemed to be truly registering in her brain.

She couldn't focus on anything. Any sense of direction was long gone, she couldn't see anything in front of her without it being blurred, she couldn't hear anything. She didn't even know where Van had suddenly ran off to.

Every tree in front of her, every branch, every leaf, had seemingly multiplied into a hazy dozen. All sounds around her became muffled, morphing into a loud buzzing that echoed throughout her head.

It wasn't until Violet slowly rose to her feet, instantly crashing into the side of a tree that supported her, that the overwhelming feeling of pain shook her body.

The girl looked down at herself, swallowing thickly at the sight. Her vision may have still been blurred, but Violet knew from the sight of red liquid dripping down and coating her arm, that it was far from good.

Her gaze travelled further down her body, where the main source of the pain resided. She gripped her blood soaked t-shirt with shaky hands, letting out a muffled yell through gritted teeth when she tore the fabric away from her skin.

The view was enough to make Violet feel sick, watching with wide eyes as the large tear down her stomach relentlessly bled now that her t-shirt was no longer soaking it up.

Violet attempted to move her right arm, to prop herself up more. But boy did she instantly regret choosing that one, the pain ramping up from throbbing, all the way to blinding agony faster than she could blink.

𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒. | yellowjacketsWhere stories live. Discover now