𝐢𝐢𝐢. dutch courage

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VIOLET LET OUT a bored sigh as she stood in front of her mirror, adjusting the angle of her body occasionally while she took in the mini dress she had chosen to wear tonight.

She wasn't the type of person to turn down going to a party. The type of person to turn down a chance to divulge in a night filled with drinking, socialising and other things. Out of the whole team, Violet had always been branded as the life of the party. She was renowned for it.

But she'd be lying if she said she didn't think about staying home instead.

It felt strange to her, shameful almost, to go to a party in the middle of the fucking woods celebrating the Yellowjacket's win, when only a few hours prior the incident with Allie went down.

It was safe to say Violet was still pissed off about today. Allie's injury, Taissa's actions, being down a team member before nationals, having that open spot being taken by a useless JV. All of it.

It had completely ruined her mood and turned her off the idea of going out. If it wasn't for the fact she had promised Lottie she'd go, without a doubt Violet would be staying put.

The sound of a car honking outside pulled Violet's attention away from her reflection. She took one final glance at herself, quickly fixing her hair before grabbing her bag and making her way downstairs.

Violet walked through the hallway, the silhouette of her mother sat down in the living room catching her eye. She peeked her head around the corner of the door, scanning the room momentarily before stepping further inside and leaning against the doorway.

Emilia, her mother, was sat down on the couch. A book in one hand, a glass of wine in the other.

"I didn't hear you come in." Violet spoke up.

"I've been back a while, Violet." Emilia answered, her eyes still holding focus on the pages of her book.

Violet couldn't help but allow a small scoff to slip past her lips. So much for saying hi to her daughter.

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