𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. hidden meanings

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VIOLET STUMBLED as Javi barged past her, running to the bottom of the tree and looking up at his father in horror. She gritted her teeth at the pain it caused, but remained quiet.

It wasn't like he did it on purpose. His father's dead body was right above him after all.

"Dad!" Javi yelled, tears streaming down his face. "Dad!"

"Javi!" Shauna broke away from the rest of the crowd, grabbing the boy and pulling him back. "Javi! Come here... come here."

The feeling of someone's hand slipping into hers caught Violet's attention, yet she didn't even need to look to be able to tell who it was.

She looked at Lottie, frowning at the way the girl's lip quivered at the sight above her.

"Hey," Violet squeezed her hand, gently tugging her closer. Her voice switched to a low whisper. "Just keep your eyes on me, okay?"

Lottie swallowed back any tears before tearing her eyes away from Coach Martinez's body, looking at Violet instead.

"Holy macaroni..." Misty looked up, having just arrived. "Is— is that...?"

Natalie shook her head, eyes wide just like everyone else. "He's gotta be dead... right?"

Shauna glared at the blonde girl before shoving her, annoyed by Natalie's choice of words when Javi was right there. "What the fuck?" She whisper shouted.

"Time and place, Nat." Violet muttered, opting for a less physical approach unlike Shauna.

"Okay, uh..." Jackie let out a breath, her brain cooking up a solution. "Who has the best arm?"

Mari stepped forwards, raising her hand. "I do, Jackie."

Panicked discussions broke out amongst them all, each of them questioning what Jackie meant.

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