𝐱𝐢𝐱. crossing the line

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AS SOON AS it was certain Lottie was no longer in her harrowing state, the group wasted no time in leaving the attic. Nobody wanted to spend another moment up there. Not after what had happened.

Instead of residing in the main room and joining the others in tucking themselves away in their beds, Violet led Lottie into the room where Coach Ben had been sleeping.

She closed the door behind them, shutting the pair out from any prying eyes, or any comments that would be made. Because Violet knew there would be some, and she didn't want Lottie to hear it.

Violet pointed to the bed, prompting Lottie to sit down. And she did, watching as Violet raided the medical cabinet on the opposite side of the room.

Lottie swallowed thickly, her nerves growing at the silence that filled the room. "What are you doing?"

"I need to clean your cut." Violet replied flatly. "It can't stay like that."

"Oh." Lottie reached up to her head at the reminder, tracing her fingers over the dried blood that stained her skin. "Okay."

The Crawford girl grabbed some rubbing alcohol, as well as some cloth, bandages and bandage tape. She made her way over to the bed and put down the supplies, sitting opposite Lottie.

Lottie kept her eyes on Violet as she opened the bottle of rubbing alcohol, tipping a small amount onto the cloth. She didn't like how quiet she was. How stoic her facial expressions were.

And what tugged on Lottie's heart the most, was that it was her fault she was being like this.

Violet looked up at Lottie as she moved closer, briefly meeting her gaze with a dull half smile when she noticed Lottie's eyes already on her. It lasted for a second at best before she moved attention to the cut on Lottie's forehead.

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