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-"You want to play this fucking game, then game on

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-"You want to play this fucking game, then game on."



My wounds managed to heal up, even with Sobel's tyrannous training. The bruises started to fade away and I began to be able to walk normally again. And even though Sobel didn't go easy on me despite my injuries, I had caught a glimpse of a side that showed mercy. He hadn't ordered me to run Currahee or anything too straining. He had spared me that agony so I could heal up. Probably so he could torture me even more but for the moment, I thanked him.

"Come on, come on, come on. As team, Easy Company!" Winters said loudly as we were taking ourselves through a gruelling obstacle course in full gear. Like I said, it didn't take long until Sobel was back to torturing me twice as hard as the rest of the guys.

"Come on Luz! Move, Perconte!" He said as we were all trying our best. I jumped into a tunnel and did a summersault when I got out, running towards the wall. I jumped high, grabbing a hold of the edge and made my way over.

"That's the spirit, Guerra!" Winters said as he was right behind me. I threw myself over the edge and slid down the wall. Even though I had caught a glimpse of Sobel's Carib side, nothing had gotten any easier for me. Why would it? I was still a woman. Hadn't magically transformed into a man over night. It was almost normal for me now to run Currahee almost twice a day, 50 push ups afterward, the obstacle course twice, eating alone and a fuck bunch of remarks and comments from Sobel and other soldiers in my company. I crawled under the bob-wired fence into a hole with pig intestines and mud. The smell was excruciating. But it was only to get used to.

"Fucking hell." I mumbled as I crawled out of the hole and ran up to the bell and rang it, completing the course. I looked over at Sobel who did not look pleased.

"Again, Private Princess." Sobel said emotionlessly.

"You better hurry up if you want to make it in time for rifle training." He said.

"Yes, sir." I said and jogged to the beginning of the course again. I sighed as I put my hands by the back of my head as I hopped through the squat rope obstacle, trying my best not to fall. I looked up to see the rest of the company by the end of the course. Some of them looked pleased that I was being drilled harder than anyone else, and some of them looked a little sad and pitiful. I dove over the big log, landing in a summersault before running to the monkey bars. I hopped up and made my way through it. I hopped down and ran to the tunnel, dove once again inside and did another summersault. I ran to the big wooden wall and jumped, grabbed a hold of the edge and climbed my way over, sliding down the wall. In my head I was thinking all sorts of thoughts, mostly about how much I fucking hated "Suicide Sobel" but as the fucking foxhole with pig intestines came up, my thoughts shifted towards the disgusting smell of bloody and muddy intestines. I crawled down, made my way through, almost hurling by the smell. I got out of the hole and rung the bell again with Sobel's deadly glare burning. I was back and healed up from my injuries, and he was still determined to make this a living hell for me.

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