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-"Gonna blow some goddamn kraut brains, how hard can it fucking be

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-"Gonna blow some goddamn kraut brains, how hard can it fucking be."


I landed onto the ground, succeeding to not get either hit by a kraut in the air nor get tangled into a fucking tree. I unhooked myself from the chute as I heard krauts firing an 88 in the hedgerow just a few meters away. I grabbed my M1 and had it ready in case I needed to open fire. It wasn't time to take out those krauts, they would outnumber me. I quietly jogged to the other side of the field, stopping in my tracks as I saw another group of krauts managing another MG. Shit, I was really fucking surrounded. I had to walk carefully so they wouldn't notice me. I looked at my watch, I had hours until we needed to have our objective secured. But, I had no idea where I was which meant that it wasn't certain that hours were enough. I managed to sneak around the krauts and into the forest.

"Landmarks. Landmarks. Landmarks." I mumbled to myself. I needed to find something that could give me a clue where I was. But all I could see was fucking trees. All of these fucking trees. But I kept walking carefully, trying to make myself as invisible as I could. You never knew where the krauts were hiding. But I soon managed to get to the end of the forest and up to a road. And I could finally find a sign: Saint-Martin. I grabbed my map out of my pocket. Around 7km to Sainte-Marie-Du-Mont. Around 1,5 hours of walking. That would give me plenty of time to link back up with Easy. So, I began walking, quietly.

I suddenly heard noises up ahead of the road, I crawled down in the dike next to it, covering myself up underneath a bush and placed my rifle so it was supported, I looked through the scope seeing three men walking towards me. It was too dark to see whether they were allies or enemy. I felt my heart pounding as they got closer and closer. Please just say something so I can understand if I need to shoot you or not. Come on, come on. Give me something.
And then I heard it, German. I placed my finger on the trigger as I aimed for the first one. I only had one try on each soldier, firing the first bullet would give away my position, the second one even more and if I missed all three then I was fucking screwed.

"Easy." I mumbled as I calmed my heart rate down by singing the Currahee cadence in my head. And then I pulled the trigger. Splash 1. I quickly aimed for the next one before they even had the chance to swim around their rifle. Splash 2. I aimed for the next one who was baffled that his comrades were down and he swung around his rifle. Splash 3. I took a deep breath before crawling out of the dike and walked up to the soldiers. I looked down at them lying there in their kraut uniforms.

"That's what happens when you kill my brothers." I mumbled before continuing to walk. Just as much as I was on my toes, listening to every sound possible, I couldn't help but look up at the sky. The stars were shining, even when the world was in a full blown war, the stars were still shining.

"At least we can count on you." I mumbled and looked back on the road. I made sure to locate more landmarks, buildings, roads etc. To make sure I was on the right track. And I prayed and hoped that I would come across a paratrooper by the next turn. And I fucking prayed and hoped that when I arrived at our assembly area, I would see my bunk mates, see him. But I pushed those thought so far back in my fucking head I possibly could. There was no room to worry right now.

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