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-"Don't really planning on surviving to be honest

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-"Don't really planning on surviving to be honest."


Pride. Ego. Something a man dabbled with a lot. Were you gonna be this masculine macho guy who weren't terrified of anything and treated women like a possession? Or were you gonna be sincere, a kind hearted man who cared about his own people and showed love and respect out in the open? I never felt a crisis with my pride and ego, not until now. I've always seen myself as a stand up guy, I've always treated my mother and my sisters with respect and dignity. Thanked them for taking care of the house and picked flowers for them to make sure they felt appreciated. The dames I've gone out with previously have all been well treated, picked them up at their house, given their mother flowers and their father a firm handshake, opened the car door for them, paid for the date and kissed their cheek at the end of the night. But now, my head was spinning, like I had forgotten all about that decency and respect. That gentleman behaviour.

"Who was the idiot that suggested that we showered before heading out in pouring ass rain?" She said as we were walking towards the town. We all finally had a weekend pass and we were spending our Saturday night at the bar. Just as it should be.

"Sorry, just thought it was nice to be clean." Perconte said and we all chuckled.

"You have a freakish obsession with being clean, Perco." She said and we all chuckled again. We finally made it to the bar.

"You want a beer or something?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'll join you." Luz said as we walked up to the bar while the rest of them occupied a table.

"You want a beer or something?" He mocked in a high pitched voice as he grinned making me send him a glare.

"Stop it." I said as I leaned my forearms onto the bar counter.

"I'm just saying, it's sweet." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hate, turns into love, turns into this whole beautiful love story. Two soldiers in the same platoon finds each other under the horrifying conditions of war." He said with a smirk.

"Don't." I said.

"Alright, I'll stop, but I'll tell you this. Name one guy in this company who looks at her like the way you do? Name one guy." He said and I was silent.

"Exactly, you are the only one my friend who doesn't look at her like a sister." He said and I was still silent.

"Doesn't mean I like her like that." I said and he let out a scoff.

"Please don't bullshit yourself Liebgott. Neither of us defended her like you did after she vomited blood, you even told Winters." He said and I looked away from him.

"I had to, she was practically dying." I said.

"Just saying." He said and the bartender walked over to us.

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