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-"I know you are at peace now

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-"I know you are at peace now."


We were all kids. Kids from various backgrounds who wanted to do justice for the people back home, keep them safe from the hands of Hitler. We were taught the krauts were like the plague and needed to be eliminated or controlled. Stopped. Sent to prison or into a grave. They were controlling Europe and the Europeans needed help to be liberated. In many ways were I thankful that I wasn't sent to the Pacific Theatre or the North African. The conditions are supposedly much worse. But when we arrived in Germany, we began communicating with the German population. They were all kids just like us. They were all fulfilling their duties just like we. They had their orders and we had ours. But otherwise, not much was different. Germany, almost felt as good as home. But that was all going to change.

The weather had turned from winter to spring. April was blooming in Germany, we no longer needed coats and we had stopped shivering and praying for a warm breeze. It was no longer a fight for survival because of the weather. We could actually enjoy being soldiers again.

"Deal." I mumbled to Joe as he dealt out the cards. I took a drag out of my smoke as I grabbed them from the table.

"The Co-operative for American Remittance to Europe, or Care, has begun assembling food packages stateside to assist those European families in dire need." Nixon said, giving another one of his current events lectures to keep us all in the loop with the news of the world.

"Which is presumably all of them. So, uh, notes home to your family reminding them to donate whatever they can, would be much appreciated." He said and I looked at my cards.

"I'm sure that you'll be happy to know Oklahoma! is still playing on Broadway." He said and everyone cheered with laughter.

"Ooooklahoma where the wind comes Sweeping down the plain!" Luz began to sing, getting everyone involved.

"And the waving wheat Can sure smell sweet. When the wind comes-" We sang and he cut as all off.

"Right behind the raaaaain!" O'Keefe sang in falsetto making everyone laugh.

"O'Keefe, you sitting on your bayonet there?" I asked and everyone laughed even more.

"Why don't you leave the singing to Luz." I said.

"Hey, unless you wanna do like a "Surrey with the Fringe on top", O'Keefe." Luz said and I chuckled. Still my favourite side hobby, fucking with the replacements.

"Rita Hayworth's getting married." Nixon said and the lads sighed.

"Oh, Rita say it isn't true." Luz said and I chuckled.

"Ah, wartime news. Resistance in the Ruhr pocket's crumbling. It looks like there might be a breakout in Remagen." Nixon said.

"Apparently the Krauts forgot to blow up one of their bridges when they headed back over the line. I guess the boys in the 17th Airborne did okay after all." He said and I let out a scoff.

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