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-"Will be weird, Reaper

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-"Will be weird, Reaper. If we make it through this, it will be weird."



I woke up in the arms of my beloved Joe, feeling the freezing temperature stiff my body. We'd managed to get some sleep, a rarity in combat. But you slept whenever you could, wherever you could. I looked over a Joe who was still asleep, pale as a ghost. The cold wasn't doing anyone any good. But he looked so peaceful and precious asleep. I looked over to see Babe asleep as well, I had made sure to keep myself close to him after Julien's death. He had started to slowly but surely stop grieving. There weren't much time to grieve over here, we had to push forward. I yawned and I knew that I had to get up and move around, get the blood flowing. I untangled myself from Joe's grip and moved out of the foxhole. The snow had stopped falling and had laid a thick white cover over the ground. The fog had lifted and the sun was now shining. Finally. I let it hit my face and tried to take a deep breath which just ending up in a deep, wheezing cough. And suddenly I heard rumbling in the sky feeling my breath speed up. I looked up to see airplanes flying over the forest making me frown my brows and then a hell of a lot of cheering was heard from my fellow comrades so I jogged to check out what was going on. And as we ran out to the clear field as everyone cheered and smiled, the planes started firing making everyone drop their cheers and run back in between the trees, starting to return the fire.

"Cease fire! Cease fire! Goddamn it!" Lipton shouted.

"Sergeant, I don't understand, that was our own planes!" Doc Roe said confusingly.

"Shh." Lipton hushed as more planes were seen approaching.

"C-47s." He said.

"They're bringing supplies, it's a drop!" He said and I smiled widely. Finally. I felt a sense of hope fill my body, Lipton's words were like music to my ears. We were finally standing a chance.

"It's a drop, come on!" He shouted to everyone as we moved back. They dropped the supplies back in the bombed village where they had set up an aid station. We were all relieved by the drop. The spirits were higher and the moral was stronger than ever. We didn't have to force out a laughter to keep ourselves warm, we were all genuinely happy and relieved to have gotten some good news.

"There you are." I heard Joe say and he kissed my cheek quickly as he passed by with Guarnere and Malarkey.

"Jesus, you two. Get married already." Malarkey said and we chuckled and I coughed nastily.

"Doesn't sound too good, Reaper." Bull said and I let out another chuckle as I pulled my coat closer to my body, shivering like a goddamn maracas.

"Yeah, well, you don't look good." I muttered and they chuckled.

"Still, same ol' Reaper. Not even the Krauts can shoot the attitude out of her." Guarnere joked and I glared at him.

"Yeah, how's the pissing going for yah? Still pissing needles?" I asked agitatedly.

Reaper | Joe LiebgottWhere stories live. Discover now