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-"Open your fucking yap again, Gonorrhoea and my rifle will be shoved in there

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-"Open your fucking yap again, Gonorrhoea and my rifle will be shoved in there."


Not that I was drunk or anything, I just wasn't sober. Just drunk enough to forget about the jump we had the next day. After numerous beers, a couple dartboard games, harassing the replacements, I found myself laughing with Bianca as we ran out of the mess hall together, with our hands intertwined. I spun her around and I smiled softly as her hand landed on my chest. I kissed her softly in the chilly September night under the moon and the stars, setting off the butterflies in my stomach. Everyone was enjoying their last night of freedom for a while in the mess hall, we just didn't know it was our last night of freedom. Free drinks, some good and friendly competitions over a dartboard game, chattering, laughing, music, getting tipsy. But my focus was on the woman in front of me. There were barely any time for us to spend just her and I, there was always someone around. So we took advantage of our last night in England, alone...

We walked out of the house kissing with wide smiles on our faces and I buttoned up my jacket.

"There you are." Malarkey said.

"We're moving out, Winters is having a briefing about our new mission." He said and our smiles dropped.

"Come on." He said and we moved along towards the barn where the briefing was being held. I sat down in between Randleman and Luz as Winters walked up to the big board.

"As you can see, this is called Operation Market Garden. In terms of Airborne divisions involved, this one's even bigger than Normandy." He said. Phew. Jesus Christ. I lit up my smoke and took a drag as I listened intensely on the briefing.

"We're dropping deep into occupied Holland." He said. Sounds like fun. I looked over at B who was sitting a diagonally forward from me, having a perfect view over her side profile. She was paying more attention than anyone else, it did shock me sometimes that she hadn't been promoted or gotten a battlefield commission or something. No one could disagree with the fact that you trusted her to lead you in combat. Her brain was like a sponge, it soaked up all of the information and she knew just how to use it.

"The Allied objective is to take this road here, between Eindhoven and Arnhem, so that two British armored divisions can move up towards Arnhem." He explained and I took a drag out of my cigarette.

"Our job is to liberate Eindhoven." He said.

"Stay there and wait for the tanks." He added.

"The entire European advance has been put on hold to allocate resources for this operation. It's Montgomery's personal plan and we'll be under British command." Nixon said getting some annoyed reactions from the patriotic Americans, myself included, B's face still haven't moved. She was in military mode.

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