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-"Yeah, with you and your killer instinct, I think we all will be fine

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-"Yeah, with you and your killer instinct, I think we all will be fine."


"For fuck sake, I'm gonna kill Sobel one day." Malarky said as they walked in.

"He's gonna get a hell of a good whipping from me." Perconte said and I chuckled.

"How the fuck did you look so unbothered?" Luz asked madly.

"Determination, Luz. Ever tried that?" I asked and we chuckled.

"You guys do realise that Sobel actually is a genius, right?" I asked lying on my side in my bunk.

"Are you insane? You vomited blood because he's been so horrible to you." Malarkey said and I just chuckled. They really didn't get it.

"He's preparing us for combat, for war. Creating discipline, strength and bond both within the company but also as individuals so we will stick together and stick up for each other when everything else around us is falling apart. He is creating bravery, you guys just don't know it yet." I explained. I spent countless of hours studying Sobel and his way of training. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't get it at first but I caught on after a while. His tyrannical leadership and ways of training was not because he wanted to see us fail but to make sure that we would be the toughest sons of bitches the European Theatre would ever come across and that we would stick by one another, through thick and thin.

"He may have target me the most, not because I'm the easiest target, not because I'm the weakest link nor because I'm a bad soldier, but because I'm a woman and he feels threatened by it. It is the only reason he is training me harder. Not letting him get to my head, not letting him create these reactions from me will benefit later. He doesn't know it but he's doing me a great favour by treating me the way he does." I said.

"I will have a thicker skin and a higher tolerance." I said.

"But it doesn't matter, because the way he trains and torture us will make us a bigger threat in combat. We won't give up, we won't surrender, we will stick with it and stick it through until we get to wave the victory flag." I said.

"Fucking hell, Guer. I think I might be in love with yah." Luz joked, making everyone chuckle.

"Fuck off, Luz." I said and they chuckled again. We heard the whistle blow outside, making us light some fire under our asses to get moving.


[ September 1943 ]

I looked out of the window, seeing the landscapes swish by. I anxiously bit my fingernails as my gaze was just blankly stuck on the sights outside of that window. After spending months at Camp McKall in North Carolina for further and advanced combat training, everyone in Easy Company had learnt something new and rather terrifying about Captain Sobel. The man got nervous and jumpy out in the field. Making decisions that could be fatal in combat, getting lost, becoming skittish. All that could potentially cost a lot of lives if not an entire company. And for the first time in a year, my mind couldn't stop thinking about a way to get rid of him. I didn't plan on getting slaughtered over there. At least not under his command.

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