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-"Without mercy, without compassion, without remorse

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-"Without mercy, without compassion, without remorse."


We encountered Krauts by a hedgerow on our walk. Possibly on their way to take back Carentan. And after a small session of combat with minimum casualties we were now buried down in a hedgerow. We were in our hedgerow and they were in their's across the field. The rain was pouring down and thunder rumbling in the air, lightning up the sky every now and then. We heard the krauts singing some cheery tune across the field, like if they were around a campfire on a cool summer night with beers in their hands.

"Who decided that rain was gonna be a fucking thing?" I asked as I was sitting on our foxhole along with Joe, Guarnere and Malarkey. We were all pretty soaked.

"Which idiot thought; yeah let's piss down massive amounts of water, that sounds like fun." I said and they chuckled.

"Jesus Christ." I mumbled as I pulled up my jacket over my mouth.

"It's the beauty of Mother Nature." Malarkey said and I looked over at him.

"You have no idea what Mother Nature feels like. You're a man, you don't get a say." I said and Joe tried not to smile as I lectured the poor ginger headed soldier in womanhood.

"I wasn't-" Malarkey started.

"Don't even start." Guarnere cut him off. Joe looked down at the soaked female soldier next to him and he put his arm around my shoulder as I pulled out a pack of smokes. I gave everyone one and we all felt the warm sense of relief as the nicotine entered our systems.

"Woah, Smith! It's me Talbert!" We heard Talbert say loudly.

"What the hell." Joe said. The fuck?

"Come on." He said and dragged me out of the foxhole as we heard Talbert groan. We ran over to the foxhole next to us to see Smith spier Talbert with his bayonet.

"Smith! What are you doing? That's Talbert." Joe said as he pushed Smith away and hopped down in the foxhole. I hopped down as well and pulled up Talbert's raincoat he had gotten off of a Kraut.

"Goddamn." Joe said as we saw the blood soaking through his jacket.

"Medic!" Talbert shouted.

"Shh." I said, not wanting to drag too much attention on us. You never knew when the krauts were planning on sending their German asses towards us.

"Can you breathe?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, I can breathe alright." Talbert said in quite the distress.

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