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- "You be safe, okay? You'll find me in the assembly area, okay?"_________________________________________

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- "You be safe, okay? You'll find me in the assembly area, okay?"


Upottery. The last stop. For all we know, it could only be a few hours until we jumped. They didn't tell us much. I guess we knew when we knew. It would be a lie to say that we were calm and collected, everybody was on their toes. Nervous about the jump, nervous about actually facing the krauts, nervous about the chances of survival, nervous about loosing your weapons when we jumped. There were a fuck bunch of shit to be nervous about.

"San Marie du Mont. Causeway number one. Causeway number two. The ultimate field problem. The estuary of the Douve River divides two beach heads, codename Utah, here, and Omaha, here. Seaborne Infantry will hit these beaches in force at a date and time to be specified. H Hour, D Day. Airborne's objective, gentlemen, is to take the town of Carentan, thus linking Utah and Omaha into a single, continuous beachhead. Each trooper will learn this operation by heart and know his and every other outfit's mission to the detail." Meehan said. Joe helped me light up a smoke and I took a drag, smoking was the number one thing that helped us keep our calm.

"Lieutenant Meehan?" Dukeman asked as he stood up.

"Yes, Dukeman." He said.

"Sir, are we dropping tonight?" He asked and we all looked over at Meehan, every single one of us wanted to know the answer to this question.

"When it's time for you to know, we'll let you know. In the meantime, study these sand tables, maps and reconnaissance photos, until you can draw a map of the area by memory. Now, we will drop behind this Atlantic Wall five hours before the 4th Infantry lands at Utah. Between our assembly area and the Battalion's objective, there is a German garrison, right here, in this area, San Marie du Mont. Easy Company will destroy that garrison." He said and I took a drag.

"Easy." I mumbled making Joe and Luz chuckle.

"Optimist." Luz mumbled back and I smiled lightly.

We all spent countless of hours studying the operation. All the information needed to be so fucking printed in our brains and spines that we knew it in our sleep. And as one by one started getting more and more tired and ready to give their brain some rest, I stayed put, studying the sand tables. I wasn't only studying it for the operations sake, I was amazed by the way they had built it. It was remarkable.

"Only one left, huh?" Winters asked and my head snapped around to see him, Nixon, Lipton and Welsh approach.

"Yeah." I said and looked back at the sand tables.

"Don't forget to spare some time for packing as well, Sergeant." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just couldn't stop looking at these sand tables." I said and Nixon let out a chuckle.

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