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-"Another thing to remember, boys, flies spread disease

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-"Another thing to remember, boys, flies spread disease. So, keep yours closed."


After the landings on D-Day and Brecourt, we all had settled in to our new lives as soldiers. Everyone had experienced combat one way or another. We were now all forever gonna be linked by our share experiences. After securing Culoville we got some time to rest our legs. It had been an ongoing battle since we secured Brecourt. Always on our feet.

"Hey, Joe." I said and gestured towards four soldiers walking in. Four soldiers we recognised fairly well.

"Ain't that Talbert, Gordon, Powers and Blithe?" I asked and he smiled widely.

"Yeah, it is." He said and hopped down from the bank.

"Hey, Tab! Good to see yah." Joe said happily as he greeted them.

"You too, Joe." He said with a smile. It was always a huge relief to see more and more familiar faces showing up.

"Hey, Blithe." I said and he walked over sitting down next to Perco.

"Welcome to France, Alberto." Perco said with a smile.

"How's your jump?" He asked as he chewed on his gum.

"I missed the DZ." He said calmly and sadly.

"Yeah, that goes without saying." I said and Perco chuckled. I took a drag out of my smoke as I watched Joe smile and chat with Talbert.

"Look at this, they're all ticking, unlike their previous owners." Perco said proudly as he showed Blithe all the watches he had taken from dead krauts. Blithe just watched all the activity around us. He didn't look like the Blithe we knew. He looked like he was lost in his thoughts. But to be honest, I just think he was scarred from the jump. It goes without saying that the jump and the combat we've been through could make someone paralysed. We've been blessed so far that no one has frozen in battle, but I wouldn't blame 'em if they did. It was an unnatural situation we were in, someone is bound to break down.

"So..uh... have we... lost anybody?" He asked hesitantly, not knowing if he wanted to know the answer or not.

"Hall took one in the face. Popeye got pinked in the behind. Guerra here fell down with a tree twice." Perco said and he nodded.

"Oh yeah, Guerra and Liebgott almost got down and boogied on the road." Perconte said and I slapped the back of his neck making me wince and sent me a glare.

"You and Liebgott?" Blithe asked.

"They are like two horny lovebirds." Perco said.

"Don't make me slap you again." I said fiercely and he just chuckled.

"Goddamn." I mumbled.

"But it's true." He whispered to Blithe and I sent him a glare.

"Ask anyone." He said and I just shook my head.

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