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-"Stupid bastards, thinking inflicting pain on a fucking paratrooper would be helpful

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-"Stupid bastards, thinking inflicting pain on a fucking paratrooper would be helpful."


I stared blankly ahead of me. We rode on the British tanks on the open road with fields on each side. It was very much possible that the view was quite peaceful, the clouds were covering the sun but I couldn't care any less. I hadn't said a word since we left. I had been in my bubble of complete and utter numbness. I couldn't feel anything. But my bubble was broken by the intellectual and well read Webster as we saw a sign; Nuenen.

"Vincent Van Gogh was born in Nuenen." Webster said with a smile and I just shook my head.

"Who the fuck cares?" I said.

"Sure teach you a lot of useful stuff at Harvard." Hoobler said and Randleman chuckled, all I basically knew about Webster was that he'd studied at Harvard. The dude was fucking annoying. Harvard this, Harvard that. Who the fuck cared? And as we looked forward our face dropped as we saw a woman, bald headed, most likely one of those women who was shaved in the middle of Eindhoven, she was carrying an infant in her arms. Her face said it all. Terror. Shame. We drove past her and I looked away, tried to focus on what was in front of me instead, which was Lieutenant Brewer walking way ahead with almost a skip in his steps. Fucking lunatic. He was practically making himself a human bullet board.

"What the hell is he doing?" Bull asked. Stupid goddamn Lieutenant thinking he's fucking immortal.

"Makes quite a target, don't he?" Hoobler asked and Bull nodded. He stopped in his tracks and put his binoculars over his eyes.

"Lieutenant!" Bull said loudly and he turned around and a sniper shot him in the neck making him fall down to the ground.

"Sniper!" I shouted, snapping into military mode in a millisecond.

"Sarge!" Someone shouted and pointed to the right where Tiger Tanks drove by the hedgerow at end of the field. Shit.

"Clear the track! Move it!" Someone shouted and we all hopped down from the tanks.

"Come on! Come on!" I shouted and gestured everybody to go into the ditch and Bull ran up to the injured Lieutenant as everyone jumped down in the ditch. The tanks fired twice and hit the German tank making it go up in flames.

"That's it boys, give those goat fuckers what they deserve." I mumbled as I watched it burn. The krauts started climbing out of the burning tank to save themselves. I couldn't feel any remorse for those fucking animals.

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