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-"Pay up, boys!"

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-"Pay up, boys!"



I knew there were a lot of rumours swirling around within the company. Some say that I was playing around with the Officers, settling their needs. Some say I was getting prepared for a battlefield commission. Some say that they were just using my dedication and determination to their advantage, running me around like I was their little puppet. But to be honest, all they did was to put me in good use. I didn't feel like just hogging around, I needed to stimulate my so overwhelmed brain. I needed to take my mind off of everything and just do something, and if that was to learn new combat tactics or help Winters with his reports then so be it. But it didn't go unnoticed, not even by the officers that I was in somewhat of a rage. That my mind was getting the best of me and I was taking it out in anger and rage. Snapping at my subordinates, sending them glares and pissy remarks. But I didn't care. Most of E Company were now replacements and they needed to be trained and hardened if they were gonna make it in this company.

"You ain't in the mood for some cinema?" I heard Lieutenant Spiers ask and I looked up from tying my boots. The winter was settling here, snow had started to cover the ground and the trees. The cold hugging us tightly.

"Seven Sinners is apparently playing." He said.

"Yeah great, let's go watch these goddamn horndogs drool over Marlene Dietrich, sounds like a very nice idea." I said in a pissed off tone.

"Jeez, Reaper. I know you are heartbroken but you don't have to piss on Marlene Dietrich." He said lighting his smoke and I sent him a glare.

"Not heartbroken." I mumbled as I set my foot down.

"No? Really? So you and Liebgott's pissy and bitchy attitudes has nothing to do with that you haven't spoken since Holland?" He asked and lit my cigarette.

"Ain't talking about this with you, sir. You're not even in my company" I said and he let out a chuckle.

"Who are you talking with, Sergeant? Seems like you've pulled away from everyone." He said and I let out a small scoff.

"I'm not this fragile little woman who needs to talk about her emotions with whoever, I'm here to kill fucking krauts and if they don't want to talk to me then that's their issue." I said, getting angry.

"You wanna do something fun?" He asked and I furrowed my brows.

"My kind of fun or your kind of fun, two very very different things." I said and he let out a small chuckle.

"Don't think they are that different though. It's just something fun, to blow off some steam." He said and gestured me to move along.

"Fine." I said and got up. We walked out on a field, passing the temporary cinema, seeing the lads smiling at the sight of Marlene Dietrich.

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