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-"I...you know... I don't have anyone else anymore. You're kind of all I have. And the lads of course but well."



"Trigger. I like that." Luz said as Talbert shown us a dog he'd found. It was a beautiful dog. It really was. We were currently resting in a barn, I was enjoying every minute of it. No guns firing. No bombs exploding, no krauts, just some peace and fucking quiet for once.

"How's your back?" Winters asked and I smiled softly.

"Healing." I said and he let out a chuckle. Suddenly the door busted open and we all looked over.

"We've got a penetration!" Joe said loudly as they carried Alley in all bloody. Holy shit.

"Alley's hurt, we need the doc!" He said.

"Get him on the table!" I said and we cleared off the table and he laid Alley down.

"Alley, you're gonna be okay. Come on, Boyle, go get doc!" Luz said and Boyle ran out.

"Where am I? Something happened? What happened?" Alley said weakly as he laid there, another victim of this god forsaken war that was supposed to be nothing but over.

"It's gonna be okay, Alley." I said as I gently squeezed his shoulder, looking down at his wounds.

"Where was it?" Winters asked and I looked over at Joe and my whole body froze for a second, my eyes went wide as I saw him bleeding from his neck. No. He looked over at me and our eyes met and he looked away again. He looked nothing but pissed off. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I looked at his wound, not looked, I stared. My boy, my Joe, was injured. I jogged over and grabbed a bandage from my aid kit as I had managed to pull myself together. There was no time for paralysations. We were in war for crying out loud.

"Quit moving." I said firmly and he gave me a glare as I placed the bandage over the wound. Jesus Christ , he got pinned in the goddamn neck.

"Crossroads, where the road crosses the dike." Joe said, answering Winter's question. I secured the bandage and he looked down at me, no smile, nothing.

"If it weren't for your loud mouth, they would've not known we were there." One of the soldiers that was on the same patrol said. Yeah, felt like the right moment to say that.

"Joe, you know what, back off." Joe said, clearly aggravated. He looked down at me with a blank stare again, and I began to wonder whether I had done something to piss him off or if he was just sick and tired of this war.

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