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-"When the bullets starts flying and the artillery starts firing, you get to work

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-"When the bullets starts flying and the artillery starts firing, you get to work. You are calm, you are able to think strategically and tactically, you can lead and you can adapt."



After taking over Noville everyone had been hoping to get relieved and being shipped away from the frontline for a while to get a breather. But the regiment had other plans. After tree consecutive days of fighting we thought Noville would be our last objective, but not even 24 hours after the attack in Noville we got new orders, to liberate the town of Rachamps from German forces.

"This is fucking horseshit." I mumbled as I dragged my hand over my face. When will this all end? When will they realise that we have been out here without proper winter clothing, ammo and food for over a fucking month? When will they realise that we need to be taken off the frontlines? We needed a breather. There weren't any issues with a drop in the moral nor the willingness to go into combat, but looking amongst the men, they were severely exhausted and emancipated. Their fighting spirit was starting to die out. They needed a break. They needed a hot meal and somewhere indoors to sleep.

"Is there an issue here?" Spiers asked as he had walked over to us platoon leaders.

"You know it is, sir." I mumbled, lighting up a smoke.

"And?" He asked.

"What happens after Rachamps? Huh? What's the plan?" I asked taking a drag, feeling my temper get the best out of me.

"That is still uncertain." He said and I let out a scoff.

"Of course, why even bother asking." I mumbled.

"Lieutenant Guerra, get your temper in line." He said firmly and I looked over at him.

"Tell me, just tell me, will there be options for the men to sleep indoors in Rachamps? That's all I need to know. Will they be able to sleep inside? Because, sir, respectfully, I don't know how many nights left they can handle outside. I don't give a shit if it's in a barn or a bunker, just tell me they will be able to sleep inside." I said loudly and firmly, feeling my tone getting angrier and angrier.

"How would I know, Lieutenant? I've never been to Rachamps." He said and I let out another scoff as I took a drag.

"Very funny." I muttered.

"Gentleman, can you give us a second?" Spiers asked and Lipton and Shames walked off.

"Unload it." Spiers said and I furrowed my brows.

"What?" I asked.

"Unload it, Lieutenant." He said.

"Now it's your time, yell all you want. Say whatever it's in your mind so you will stop lash out on your superiors. This is your one chance, take it or you shut your goddamn mouth and hold your fucking tongue and speak to your superiors as you are taught to, Lieutenant." He said firmly and I took a drag.

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