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-"I am proud to have served with each and every one of you

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-"I am proud to have served with each and every one of you. You deserve long and happy lives in peace."


The enemy had surrendered, but somehow men were still dying. Young men who wanted to be home with their families by now, who had served with distinction since before Normandy, were stuck here because they didn't have the points. What they did have plenty of were weapons, alcohol, and too much time on their hands. And that could have fatal results.

"Hey, Joe, Malark! Spiers wants a non com guarding each roadblock with at least two men watching every road out of town." I said as I bursted in. I had just gotten back from getting orders from Spiers after we heard the news that Grant had been shot in the head of a fellow intoxicated trooper. A trooper who had cowardly driven off into the night.

"Bull, Malark, you each take a squad and one of these witnesses on a house-to-house search." I ordered, falling right back into the position of their leader.

"Can we shoot this bastard on sight?" Joe asked as we all walked through the building to get out there and find this fucking cocksucker.

"Try and take him alive." I said.

"Where's Grant now?" Malark asked.

"They took him to a Kraut hospital to see if they could drum up any good doctor." I said and we walked out into the night. Splitting up as some of us went on a house-to-house search and some of us went out to each roadblock to try and find him. I went along with Bull and his squad and we searched every goddamn house in this town to find this jerk. I felt the rage within me rise more and more. And after a while of searching we saw Joe and Christensen have him in a hold as they pushed him into the hotel.

"Let's go! Move it!" I said loudly as we all jogged after them.

"This him?" I asked as we got inside.

"Yeah, where do you want him?" Christensen asked.

"In here." I said and opened the door to a smaller lounge where they carried him in.

"Luz, Sisk, watch the door." I said and closed it behind me. They pushed him down on a chair and tied his hands back. And I didn't care anymore, I let my men physically assault this guy until the blood was dripping from his mouth.

"Come on, get him up." Joe said and Malark and Perco held him up as Joe threw in another punch at this scumbag.

"What's your name trooper?" I asked.

"Mac, I Company." He said and I just shook my head, he looked up at me with a small, smug smile and I just lost it on him. I pushed his shoulder back and punched him repeatedly in the face until my hand was covered in his blood.

"That's what you get, you piece of fucking shit." I said firmly.

"That's my girl." I heard Joe say, but I didn't take my eyes off this asshole. And that's when the doors opened and Spiers walked in.

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