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- "He's not gonna do anything about it, he should've just shot us

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- "He's not gonna do anything about it, he should've just shot us."


"Why is there a fence here? There should be no fence here." Sobel said as we were out on a field exercise and I rolled my eyes, once again, he was screwing up. Let me just take a nice shot in the back of his fucking head and this would all be over.

"Tipper!" He said loudly.

"Yes, sir." Tipper said.

"Give me the map." He said nervously and looked behind at the group of soldiers that he was performing the exercise with. We were divided into two groups, one lucky ass group were with Winters and we, yeah, we were with fucking Suicide Sobel. The bloody bastard is gonna get us all killed one day.

"Guerra, Luz! Get the men...get them..take cover behind those trees." He said nervously as Luz and I gestured us to move behind the large ass bush and we all jogged behind it.

"Guerra?" Perconte asked.

"Yeah." I said with a sigh.

"Sobel's lost again, isn't he?" He asked.

"Yep." I said with a sigh but then a smirk crept onto my face. I had an idea. May get us into more trouble but could just as well get this sissy motherfucker on the move.

"Luz. Hey, Luz." I said and waved Luz over.

"Can you do an impression of Major Horton?" I asked with a smirk and he smiled and let out a chuckle.

"Does a bear crap in the woods?" He asked and everyone chuckled.

"Maybe the Major can goose this schmuck, get us moving?" I asked and he sent me a glare.

"No, way. I'm not gonna." He said.

"Come on, come on, Luz, you gotta." I said and he sighed as everyone chimed in on the begging.

"Fine, fine." He said and everybody sent out a quiet cheer making him shush everyone. We all slightly duck down behind Luz.

"Is there a problem, Captain Sobel?!" Luz said loudly, in his remarkable impression of Major Horton, the voice was uncanny, making us all chuckle and he hushed everyone again.

"Shh..shhh." He hushed.

"Who said that!? Who broke silence!?" Sobel shouted and we heard a vague conversation between Sobel and Tipper.

"What is the goddamn hold up, Mr. Sobel?!" Luz asked loudly and I had to cover my mouth to not laugh out loud. This was incredible.

"A fence, sir, goddamn, a barbed wired fence." He said.

"Oh, that dog just ain't gonna hunt. Now, you cut that fence, and get this goddamn platoon on the move!" He said and neither of us could hold our laughter in for much longer, his impression was dead on.

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