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-"Big chunks of dirt flew everywhere as the ground exploded, as well as trees falling, people screaming and praying to god that their life would be spared, pieces of the mortars flying as well as chunks from the trees

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-"Big chunks of dirt flew everywhere as the ground exploded, as well as trees falling, people screaming and praying to god that their life would be spared, pieces of the mortars flying as well as chunks from the trees."


"Why does Belgium have to be so damn cold?" I said shaking like goddamn maracas as I hugged myself closely, watching the line alongside my good pal Babe. Babe, or Heffron. I don't really know when people started calling him Babe instead of Heffron but now he was known around here as Babe. It was just how it was. But nonetheless the cold was fucking brutal. Just touching the snow could give you a cut. And our supplies were running out. We had little to no ammo, no winter clothing and the food rations were running out. We'd spread us out to the best of our abilities but the gaps were just too damn big, any kraut could walk in unnoticed basically. In other words, we were basically fucked.

"So we have something to complain 'bout." Babe said shakily and I chuckled, hugging myself tighter as we watched out on the snow covered ground, looking into the other side of the field, into the forest where we knew the krauts were hiding, preparing to give us a round for our money. We heard branches break behind us and I swung around my rifle and aimed, but put my rifle down as we saw Doc Roe.

"Hey, guys. You have anything to spare from your aid kit?" He asked.

"Take whatever you need, just save me first." I joked and he smiled softly as I tossed over my aid kit. Not only were we low on ammo and food, the medics were low on supplies to save our wounded asses. We all had to walk carefully and not use medical supplies on unnecessary wounds.

"These goddamn sporadic artillery fires are gonna get us sent home in a goddamn nailed shut white coffin." Babe muttered and I patted his shoulder. Everyone needed to do their very best to keep the moral and spirits high, no matter which rank you had, you now had a responsibility to get the platoon and the company through this without a drop in moral.

"Yeah, well, Nixon couldn't find 501st on our right flank. General McAuliffe says that 1st battalion has pulled out of Foy with krauts on their tail and heavy casualties. We have no air support and a lot of shit heading this way." Doc said as he tossed back my aid kit.

"Great, that is just fantastic." I muttered and now it was Babe's turn to pat me on my shoulder in comfort. Fucking 1st battalion, I'll give them something to cry about when I see them.

"Where do they want us to get ammo? Huh? Or food? Want us to just walk over to the krauts and ask for some? Goddamn it." I muttered angrily. We all were trying our very best to find a good and solid reason why we were sitting here freezing our asses off without anything to defend ourselves with. The reasons were starting to run out.

"Just hold steady, and move every once in a while, Sergeant. I don't want to find you with frostbites or trench foot." Doc said.

"Yeah, I got you, Doc." I said.

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